It was a day full of birthday magic and wishes! It surpassed every dream I had for Carrington's 1st birthday, and best of all, I know she loved! I wanted nothing more than to spend every moment possible with my little girl. That's how it was on her birth-day, together, as a family, and that's how I want to spend every one following. She decided to start the day by being a sleeping beauty. I had to wake her at 8:20am because she needed breakfast and a bottle before pictures. Pictures - what fun we had! She was such a good birthday model; with the multiple outfit changes, the props that always seemed to keep getting away from her (balloons and a rocking chair that wouldn't sit still) and the cake to smear all over the place. The cake was a hoot! She immediately grabbed the candle off the top and went to town licking the cream cheese icing. Putting her hands in the cake, well that's a totally different story. She didn't want any part of it, and my attempt to make her touch the cake with her hands turned into both of us getting covered in icing. A bath was immediately needed, for both of us! This by far was the most fun we've had during a photo shoot. At the newborn shoot she cried the entire time, I was completely stressed and Katie had to come back a few weeks later to try again. Wow, what a difference a year makes! Looking cute and taking pictures must be a hard job because Carrington took a very looooong nap. I woke her AGAIN because it was 12:32pm, the exact time she entered the world, and she needed to be kissed. I hope to be able to kiss her and tell her how much she is loved each year on November 3rd at 12:32pm. The afternoon was filled with a little shopping for birthday party supplies and anxiously awaiting dada's arrival. Aaron was out of town for work. He drove from Greensboro,NC to spend the afternoon and evening with Carrington and had to leave after she went to bed for Greenville, SC. What a daddy! We spent the afternoon playing outside and then headed back in for a dinner fit for a birthday girl. I made Carrington's favorite, Chicken Spaghetti! It's a Paula Deen recipe so how could it not be delicious!!!! Now, we thought Bear, our dog, ate fast. You ain't seen nothing until you put Chicken Spaghetti in front of Carrington. I'm going to be a proud mother when I see Carrington on ESPN one day, not for winning an athletic sport but for winning the world's fastest eating contest - with Chicken Spaghetti of course. Cake...the second time! This time she dove right in, hands first, with a fierce desire for more. Cake in her mouth, on her face, in her hair, just about everywhere!Following the sugar high she went into excitement overload opening her presents. I wasn't sure if she would have any interest in tearing off wrapping paper and opening boxes full of gifts. Boy did she! She helped unwrap every present and for a matter of seconds acted like she loved each gift. For some reason, she kept getting distracted by the toy phone. We should have saved that one for last! Our special gifts to Carrington were a painted 1st Birthday plate with this year's birthday party theme (pumpkins) on it, a painted tea cup and saucer, and a cake platter and server. Each year, I will paint Carrington a plate, with that year's birthday party theme, and a tea cup and saucer. Her sixth birthday party will be a "tea party" with her little girlfriends. As you can imagine, after a day this magical, Carrington was worn out and ready for bed. We ended the night reading a letter to Carrington, that we had both written, and tucked our birthday girl in bed. "One" Incredible Day filled with lasting memories and traditions!