Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snowy Days

The snow has arrived in PA. Apparently, it's a little later than normal so I guess it was waiting for our arrival. Last week we got a few inches over a couple days and then last night and today we got another 6 inches. It took several trips to the store to pull together Carrington's snow suit but once the final purchase was made last Sunday, we headed outside to check out the white stuff.
Now, Carrington has made it pretty clear over the last month that she doesn't enjoy the cold. She is typically saying, "Brrr" before we even make it out the door. How can you blame her! She's spent the last two years living at the beach, not typically known for cold weather.
So, Sunday afternoon when the wind started hitting her in the face and the snow came right behind it, she was ready to go back in before we even started playing. Thankfully, after taking a ride on the sled her thoughts on the cold and snow were a little more excepting. She likes fun, excitement and speed. The sled was all those so contentment lasted a few trips down the hill. She even tried out making a snow angel with Aaron. All and all, she lasted about 15 minutes.
The same goes for today when I took her out on my own. She didn't make it off the porch before looking at me and said, "lets go in mommy." The wind and snow immediately hit her in the face and that was enough in her book. Once on the sled she was a little more willing to stay out. I even got a picture of her in the sand box or "snow" box as it's used in the winter.
She never once asked to leave the beach, get out of the ocean, or had a problem with the sand in her face. Guess it's not hard to tell where she would rather spend her time! Guess we are going to have to toughen her up while we are in PA!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Trying out her swim legs

Carrington took a dip in the pool yesterday for her first swim lesson. We signed her up at the local YMCA for a two month class with Aaron. Carrington has loved the water since her first bath so starting lessons seems like a natural next step for this water baby.

Making their way into the pool.

Look at those kicks!

Big jump!

Having a great time!

Christmas in Dixie

The Christmas Holiday took us on a 2,000 mile round trip from our new home in Dalton, PA to Roanoke, Va, Ridgeland, SC, Myrtle Beach, SC, our old house in Winnabow, NC, and then finally back home to PA. The time spent on the road was worth it to get to spend with our family. Our New Year's Eve plans got hampered by a stomach bug Michelle caught but other than that, the trip was a lot of fun.

There aren't many pictures past Christmas morning but plenty of memories were made. Carrington really got into the holiday spirit from learning and reading about baby Jesus' birth to understanding who Santa Claus is and what he does on Christmas eve. She was spoiled with presents from our entire family and shouldn't need a new toy or piece of clothing for a while.

Always has a cheery disposition
Listening to Peepaw sing in the church choir on Christmas Eve
Loves her Meme and Peep
Christmas Eve Family Photo
Putting cookies on the plate for Santa...
and treating herself to one too.
Cookies and Milk await for Santa's visit
Thinks she might sit up and wait for the big guy to arrive.
Reading a story of baby Jesus' birth and the Night Before Christmas (a Christmas eve tradition passed down from mommy to daughter)
Christmas morning...look what Santa left!
Reading the note Santa left Carrington.
Checking out the goods.
Santa's note and picture of the kitchen he left Carrington at her new house.
Dancing Mickey has nothing on Carrington
Getting a closer look
We've got Ears, say, "Super Cheers"
Aaron didn't want to be caught dancing alone so he took Carrington in his hands
Stocking stuffers...
Trying to find more goodies
Chapstick...a family obsession
"Oh goodie, there's more."
Minnie Pearl in all her glory!
Loves the bling!
and of course, the Chapstick
"Are these real pearls?"
Resting from all the weight she is carrying around.
Daddy's girl
I think she enjoyed having a "real" baby to play with...
and torture.
They were both busy watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Carrington recommended Madison watch.
Carrington was so happy to be in SC were she could play outside and not freeze. I think she and Granny spent a couple hours in the fresh air before ever coming back inside.

Happy New Year! Hope to see our family soon.