Grayson Walker signing on. Mommy thought it would be fun to read about my last four weeks of life from baby handsome himself. So, what's been going on, you ask.
I sleep roughly 18-20 hours a day. It gives me a lot of time to dream about how much fun it will be to torture my sissy as I get older. When I'm not sleeping you can usually find me in my mommy's arms. She holds me while I eat, while I get my diaper changed, while I'm taking a bath, while I sleep and while I'm fussing at her because she tried to put me down for more than 10 seconds. I can't lie, I fuss just so I can be held. Good thing she likes holding me - like, when she is cooking, using the bathroom, trying to help my sissy with something, or wants to play on the computer. If you guessed that she is holding me right now, then you are right!
What other things do I like, besides being held? I'm not real sure yet. I think I like my paci but sissy likes to pull it out of my mouth and tell me I don't need it. She must be jealous because she gave her paci to the paci fairy. I might like a bath if my mom and dad could get the water temperature right, and stop pouring buckets of water on my head. I really like my family, actually, I LOVE THEM! My dad is my hero, my mom is amazing, and my sissy is my best friend.
What "firsts" have I experienced in the last four weeks? I went to Target when I was four days old, went to the park when I was five days old, took a bath around 2 1/2 weeks old (it took a while for my umbilical cord to fall out), and went to church with my family today. I'm sure there are a lot of other "firsts" but I sleep through a lot of them so I can't really remember.
Hope you've enjoyed a recap of the last four weeks. Mommy likes the idea of me doing a monthly update so stay tuned for month two!

That's all folks!!