I'm back! Here is the low down on month two...I went to the doctor last week and weigh in at 12lb12oz. That's up 2lb12oz from a month ago. I'm 23 inches long and hit the 50th percentile across the board. My new measurements bump me into 3-6 month clothes but I can't wear them yet because they're all spring and summer apparel. We haven't seen either yet so we'll wait until May and hope for a turn in seasons.

I'm doing alittle better on routine and sleep. I stay awake for about 1-1 1/2 hours between each nap. Now a days when I'm awake I like to coo, smile and make faces at my family. I can sit in my bi-brating chair (that's what sissy calls it), lay on my playmat or swing by myself for a longer period of time. But don't get excited by my independence...I still like to be held...A LOT! As for sleeping at night, I get up for an early am snack, around 3-4am, just about every night. Then I'm up again between 6am-8am. Usually, 6am because my mom dislikes getting up at that time the most. Last week the doctor recommended that mom cut back my early am feeding by a 1/3, and continue to cut back by an additional third each week until I'm sleeping through the night. I overheard here tell my dad that she likes that idea. To date, it doesn't seem to be helping! I'm still crying the blues for food when I should be sleeping.

I'm sure many of you are wondering what I think of my big sister. For the most part, we get along great! She does a good job taking care of my needs - otherwise known as fetching things for my mom like the burp cloth, diapers, etc. She likes to sit on the bed with me and make funny faces to get me to smile. She likes to kiss on me and tell me she loves me. AND-she even likes to be rough on me when mom and dad aren't looking. Mom tells me it's making me tough for the days she comes after me and hits me with kitchen utensils (knives excluded) or empty wrapping paper rolls, and plays a game called, "lets sit on me, cover my mouth and laugh hysterical all while I'm struggling to breath". Those were favorites of mom and aunt Meredith. I have a feeling Carrington doesn't realize, one day, I'll be twice her size and the hurtin' will be the other way around!!

I can't really complain - life is pretty good for this 2 month old!!
See ya next month,
Grayson Walker Sims