Hudson arrived on his due date! Born August 11, 2012 at 5:34am. He weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces, 20 inches long.
His birth story is very quick! I woke to a contraction at 2:30am. Timed them for 30 minutes each one at 10 minutes apart. I could tell this was the real deal even though they weren't close together. I took a shower, woke Aaron, packed, and called our neighbor Bonnie to come watch the kids. We were out the door by 4:00am, contractions were about 5 minutes apart and strong when we left the house. By the time we were in the car and a few minutes from the hospital they were coming every 2-3 minutes. I was amazed at how quickly they went from 10 minutes to 2 minutes but didn't have the feeling I was going to have a baby in the car. I had to tell Aaron to slow down a few times because he was thinking, "my wife is going to have a baby in the car." The nurse checked me at 4:30am and I was 9 1/2 cm!!! At this point the contractions were very strong and I was ready to have the baby. I remember hearing the nurse tell someone to go wake the doctor because we would be having a baby very soon. They quickly took me to a laboring room, which I walked to because I was not about to sit down in a wheel chair. Sitting was not comfortable so I ended up standing while they pumped a bag of antibiotics in my arm; literally pumping as fast as it would drain so they could break my water and I could deliver. I would have had Hudson standing if I could but they made me get in the bed, broke my water and one contraction later....Hudson was born!!! I remember hearing, "it's a boy", but it took a minute to process. The doctor told me to open my eyes so I could see Hudson and at that point all the pain went away. At least for me, Aaron was left with nail marks on his arm from me holding on so tight while delivering. Love comes with a little pain!
Quick last pregnancy picture at 4:00am before heading to the hospital.
Our little peanut. Smallest of the three kids.
Making sure everything works properly
Hand print, foot print
Admiring my new son
Proud daddy
We called our family on the way to the hospital so everyone was out of their house by 6-7am and in Wilmington by lunch time. Bonnie had Carrington call us when she woke up so we could tell her the exciting news. Aaron went home that morning to get the kids so they could come meet their new baby. Hudson was in the tanning bed (warmer) when the kids arrived so they had to wait a little while to hold him and kiss all over him.
cousins perched like little birds
sister holding brother for the first time
the trio meet!
he found his thumb although has since taken to the paci
birthday cake to celebrate Hudson!
my boys!!
sizing him up...
"he looks alright, i'll give him a kiss"
MeMe with her fourth grandchild
showered with love
Papa, Granny and the grandkids
Hudson must taste like chocolate because Grayson can't stop kissing him.
hard work being the middle child
first of many naps together
Family of Five!!
hands full, heart full!
Headed home to start life as parents of three!!!!
Video of the kids meeting for the first time.