Thursday, January 30, 2014

Carrington turned Five!!

I am very, very behind on the blog. Life seems to move faster than my fingers can type and post pictures. I'd like to say I can get everything posted from Thanksgiving to current by February 1. At least, that's my goal! (I started this post on Tuesday, January 28. I hope to finish it today, January 30!!)

I have written a note to the kids every year on their birthday. Carrington, I'm sorry your note is three months late but I don't want it to go unwritten.

We started talking about your 5th Birthday months before the day arrived. I think you've entered into the age of loving birthdays (and all other holidays). Whether it's your big day, a family member, or a friend's birthday; you love talking about how old they will be, what theme they should have for their birthday and what gifts we should give them. Your excitement has given your soon to be three year old brother birthday fever too. It's a lot of fun!

Unfortunately, you were very sick with the stomach bug on your birthday. It was sad to see you sick, unable to lift your head most of the day, and not able to enjoy the day you had eagerly been awaiting. You came to life long enough to open your gift and sit for a picture but then it was right back to lying down. Your gift speaks to how you continue to grow into a little lady. A pink guitar and a Zac Brown Band CD were your must have items. You love, love, love ZBB and listen to them daily on your IPOD or our stereo. Dancing around the house has become our evening entertainment with any one of ZBB songs blaring out of the speakers. Sometimes it's hard to see you grow out of being a baby and toddler but I'm truly enjoying the experience of sharing things I like with you and watching you develop a likeness for them too.

The things you are learning have changed from colors, shapes, and letters/numbers to writing, spelling, addition and reading. You have always loved to learn and take in new information so no change there. Pre-k at Celebration makes you a happy, happy girl. I could send you seven days a week if it was offered. From your friends/teachers, to music class, to centers, to learning the basics, and parties/holiday's all for you and you can never get enough! I hope your great attitude about school continues until you graduate college.

A social butterfly you have been from an early age and continue to be. It's amazing how many girlfriends you quickly befriended when we moved to GA (almost a year ago). Your social schedule is far busier than the rest of our family with play dates, sleep overs, and birthday parties. Being a little girl is all about play and fun and Sugarbean, you own that job!

We girls stick together!! As much as you don't mind playing boy games with your brothers, you can quickly flip the switch and be my girlie girl. Shopping, dresses, hair, make-up, mani/ are happy to indulge. You have more style and fancy than your momma, and it shines on the inside and definitely outside!

I love you from top to bottom. The blonde curls that are growing down your back. Your daddy's eyes. Your mouth that speaks kind words to others, offers encouragement to your brothers, and the occasional sass that reminds me you're apart of me! The heart God gave you that is flooded with love. Your arms/hands and legs/feet that never seem to stop moving. That mobility allows you to try new things everyday, takes you to the places you love like school, a friends house, or the playroom to use your imagination. If gives you the opportunity to dance and do cartwheels at gymnastics, and best of all those arm and legs give you the ability to climb in my lap and give me a big hug at the end of a busy day.

You are loved from top to bottom by your family! You are our sunshine! We are thankful for your fifth year and look forward to the year ahead!!!
