Yes, it's late April and I'm finally blogging about your third birthday! One day I'll be ahead of the game, just not today!
I'm happy to say that the time doesn't seem to fly by with you. I'm not sure why but I am thankful that it doesn't. You my son could spend everyday with just your family and never want more. You have no desire to go to preschool and refuse to go to Sunday school class alone. If by chance we can get you into class, it has to be with Carrington in her class. Otherwise, it's off to church with us. You will happily sit all day in mom or dad's arms, content to be held and loved on. It's the way you've always been, our cuddlier. Maybe that's why time doesn't seem to fly are always close by.
You enjoy playing with cars, monster trucks, and remote control toys. Most days a car or monster truck does not leave your hand, even taking one to sleep with during nap and nighttime.
Playing outside is at the top of your list too. You and Hudson can get dirtier than a pig in less time than it takes me to run out the door after you. You look up to the older boys across the street and spend a lot of time playing with them. If you are not hanging with the boys, it's on your bike or scooter riding up and down the sidewalk with sissy.
Speaking of Carrington, I'm pretty sure she is just the coolest person on earth in your eyes. You want to do everything she does (except preschool), say everything she says (which drives her crazy), and never be far from her. The first thing you ask after naptime, "Where's "tarrington" (as you call her). Your desire to be with her as much as possible led to you sleeping in her room every night. I just love hearing y'all play and talk to each other. The things the two of you come up with make my heart happy.
You are one cool dude! Sweet as sugar likely because it's all you ever really want to eat! Stinkin' cute from the inside out! We love you, buddy!!!!!
Snow baby!
Born in the snow and playing in it again on your 3rd birthday.
Birthday morning...
Great way to spend your 3rd birthday!!!