It really started last weekend when my family felt the need to feed Carrington whatever was on hand (little did I know, this has happened several times before). Ham, BBQ, cheese pizza, chocolate chip cookies and so much more were on the menu. I finally gave in and realized that Carrington was old enough to step outside the world of no salt, no sugar, no sweets; basically no real way to enjoy the best that food has to offer. Don't get me wrong, I do break the rules every once and a while but nothing to this extreme. Well, to no one's surprise, She Loved It! So, on Monday I fixed her Grits. Grits can't be served without butter and cheese so both were added. If you know my family, you don't order a roll with butter, you order butter with a roll. Same goes with cheese, ketchup, salt and any other condiment that gives food its best flavor. The grits were gone in less than a minute and she was doing her best to communicate (loud screams) that more was needed. Grits = Girl Raised In The South, I love it and so does Carrington! All good things must to come to an end and so it was Thursday night. I tried to serve up "Gobble me Up Turkey"(hence the title of the blog). Basically, it's turkey chili. Now, I found it to be very healthy and delicious. Carrington felt differently and did everything she could to divert the spoon from her mouth. I realized things weren't going well when she flung turkey on the wall and Bear was literally moving her chair to get to the turkey on the floor. Our chairs weigh at least 50 pounds, plus the weight of Carrington! What would any mother do when she really wants her child to eat the meal she slaved over....she adds cheese! Now, things should be better, we had Turkey Chili with CHEESE. You can only fool a baby for so long. After about two bites she realized the cheese was yummy but the rest was awful. So she would put the food in her mouth, eat the cheese, and spit out the rest. I'm not stretching the truth, how could you in this kind of story! Alright, all you good mother's, hold off on your shrikes, because the story gets worse. To make Carrington understand I still loved her, even though I fed her horse slop, I gave her a cookie! Not just any cookie ,(it was not homemade) but a Keebler's Fudge Shoppe Cookie. Does it make it any better that Shop is spelled, SHOPPE! That makes it fancy, right? I wanted to cry at my lack of being a domestic mother but the Lord showed me otherwise! Once again, satisfaction was guaranteed and I had nothing to do with making it!![](
Next up, my filthy house! Mrs. Peggy (Carrington's baby nanny) takes wonderful care of us. In one short month, I have grown to love this lady more than any words can describe. She has a heart for children bigger than I will ever know. I guess with five children and seventeen grandchildren and great grandchildren (plus more on the way), it comes naturally. Honestly, Carrington has never been happier and there are times when I know she wishes to have Mrs. Peggy around 24-7. Mrs. Peggy does a lot for me around the house. Every week she does my laundry, dusts, sweeps, keeps the kitchen clean, cleans bathroom (I would never do that for anyone), cooks and so on. Actually, this week I had some chicken that needed to be cooked. It was split breast chicken that I bought on sale (I'll touch on that shortly) so it wasn't clean. When I pulled it out, it wasn't completely thawed. I asked Mrs. Peggy what I should do because I needed to cook it that day. She instructed me to place it under water to completely thaw and then asked how I was going to clean it. Clean chicken???, my plan was to have it thaw and throw it in warm water. That was the explanation I gave her. I was met with, "CHILD, leave the chicken and I will take care of cleaning it and cooking it." My tail feathers went up,I was embarrassed, I know how to cook! Then I realized the sweet Lord had provided me with someone who wants to take care of us. I'm sure you are wondering how the chicken turned out, best I've had in a long time! Rambling...I know, the story doesn't hit on the filth of my house but has a point. My point is to show the love of Mrs. Peggy before I start the next story. I came home today at 5:00pm. Carrington was awake which is a little unusual because she usually sleeps until 5:30PM. Me, "Mrs. Peggy how did she sleep this afternoon." Mrs. Peggy, "Fine she woke up about 10 minutes ago, I gave her a clean diaper and a new outfit." Me, "A new outfit?, did she poop in the other outfit?" Mrs. Peggy, "no she was just dirty." Me, (it started to dawn on me real quick), "was she dirty from crawling around on the floor?" Mrs. Peggy, "yes, she was filthy, you can't even imagine." My knees went weak and I wanted to hit the floor in embarrasment. I gave a brief rationalization of how my only plan for Friday was to mop the house, nine times over!
Of course things would get worse... After the Gobble Me Up Turkey, Carrington and I took a bath in my very roomy tub. I washed it out real good and thought "all was clean". By the time we were both comfortable and warm, I started to see brown floaties and a dead bug joining us. I don't do funk real well so my first thought was to get us both out. Carrington was enjoying herself so I couldn't bring myself to upset her. I got the bug out and as many of the floaties too, and Carrington went on splashing. Before too long, she was standing up and smacking the side of the tub. Yep, she smacked the bug until it was good and smushed and chased the rest of the brown floaties around the bath tub! Lord help me, I'm drowning! Where is my mother's obsession with Eau de Clorox. That's what Aaron calls my mama's need to constantly clean! She loves the smell, why don't I?
Now, it's time for Carrington to take on Betty Crocker. My mom has told me all about how much I loved to play in the kitchen. Pots, pans, cabinets, fridge; I was in them all. For the longest time Carrington didn't have much desire to be in the kitchen other than to eat Bear's food (yep, that really happened) and drink his water (daily occurrence) and of course eat her own food. I was a little bummed, where is my domestic daughter? Again, it first happened last weekend at my moms. She couldn't get enough of opening each cabinet, taking out all the pots and pans! MeMe gave her every pot, pan, spoon and cooking utensil in the kitchen, This week, back at home, was no different. I pulled out the food processor (to make her favorite, Gobble Me Up Turkey) which opened up space in the cabinet. In she went, straight to the mixer, and had so much fun it was hard to find her way out. Maybe I have a domestic Goddess after all!![](
My final ramble of the night is meant to be beneficial for all. August 1, Aaron and I started a major overhaul of our monthly budget. Little did I know, it would lead to major changes in the way I purchase. I was the girl that would never buy store brand products, use a coupon or even fathom going to a baby consignment sale or yard sale. Two months later, I don't even recognize the old Michelle! Much to my personality, when I commit to something, I do it 100%. Sure, there is still a lot of room for improvement but I give it my best, all the time! My friend Wendy can tell you all about the daily calls or emails she gets. They go something like this..."I went to Harris Teeter today, spent $76 before coupons and e-vic, after coupons and e-vic my total was $26, I went to "Once Upon a Child" and bought Carrington three toys for the price I would pay for one at Target, I'm going to a consignment sale this Friday and hope to find several items for pennies! I'm sure she gets sick of hearing it but I'm so proud of myself and the changes I've made for my family. Aaron supports me the most through all of this and is my biggest cheerleader! It's hard for him because he doesn't ask for much and has to sacrifice a lot. I know in the end, "we will live like no one else." I've listed a couple of websites on the side that have helped us. I hope you will find them helpful. Feel free to email if you have any questions.
Enjoy your weekend!
Enjoy your weekend!
I love it!!