Monday, May 19, 2014

Monster Truck Birthday Party

"Don't flatter yourself cowboy. I was starin' at your monster truck"
For our little boy it's all about big, fast, trucks! The bigger, the badder, the louder, the better! So, that's how we celebrated Grayson's 3rd birthday. Like I mentioned on the earlier post, it snowed on his birthday so school was out and there was lots and lots of snow fun to be had before the party. We headed out with our neighborhood friends for a few hours of sledding fun and then back to the house for a the par-tay!!
A few of Grayson's closet buddies and girlfriends stopped by to partake in some food, cake, and truck races around the house. We all had a supercharged, jammin' good time!
 The spread...

 More trucks to race and wreck!

 The kid posse
 3rd Birthday Cake. It looks bad-a**!!

 I think someone got into their cake before blowing the candles out (son, the chocolate below your lip gives you away!!)
 Happy Birthday to Grayson
Birthday party guest and neighborhood friends!
The streak of lightening is a certain little brother that doesn't like to stand still during pictures.
Happy 3rd Birthday buddy! Mom and Dad love you!!!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Grayson turns 3!

Yes, it's late April and I'm finally blogging about your third birthday! One day I'll be ahead of the game, just not today!
I'm happy to say that the time doesn't seem to fly by with you. I'm not sure why but I am thankful that it doesn't. You my son could spend everyday with just your family and never want more.  You have no desire to go to preschool and refuse to go to Sunday school class alone. If by chance we can get you into class, it has to be with Carrington in her class. Otherwise, it's off to church with us. You will happily sit all day in mom or dad's arms, content to be held and loved on. It's the way you've always been, our cuddlier. Maybe that's why time doesn't seem to fly are always close by.
You enjoy playing with cars, monster trucks, and remote control toys. Most days a car or monster truck does not leave your hand, even taking one to sleep with during nap and nighttime.
 Playing outside is at the top of your list too. You and Hudson can get dirtier than a pig in less time than it takes me to run out the door after you. You look up to the older boys across the street and spend a lot of time playing with them. If you are not hanging with the boys, it's on your bike or scooter riding up and down the sidewalk with sissy.
Speaking of Carrington, I'm pretty sure she is just the coolest person on earth in your eyes. You want to do everything she does (except preschool), say everything she says (which drives her crazy), and never be far from her. The first thing you ask after naptime, "Where's "tarrington" (as you call her). Your desire to be with her as much as possible led to you sleeping in her room every night. I just love hearing  y'all play and talk to each other. The things the two of you come up with make my heart happy.
You are one cool dude! Sweet as sugar likely because it's all you ever really want to eat! Stinkin' cute from the inside out! We love you, buddy!!!!!
Snow baby!
 Born in the snow and playing in it again on your 3rd birthday.

 Birthday morning...

 Great way to spend your 3rd birthday!!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

A Holly Jolly December!

Our Holly Jolly December started with pictures with Santa and writing a Letter to the Ol' guy at the Reunion Meeting House. The kids were matchy, matchy for the 2013 Christmas picture and card. I know I can't get away with it forever so while they are young, and think its fun to dress like their sibling, I'll go with it.

Sibling love and a great picture of everyday life.
 Writing down their wish list

 A local production of the Nutcracker Ballet provided the opportunity for me and Sugarbean to go on a date. We went with some other mother/daughter friends that live in our neighborhood.

December 11, 2013 brought the arrival of Piper Zimmerman. She is the daughter of our close friends Tom and Jen. Piper has a big sister, Summer, and big brother, Tucker, that play often with our kids. Their sweet addition has been a good way for me to get my new baby lovin'.

One Saturday in December we needed to get some last minute shopping finished. Bass Pro Shop was on the list and while there we happened upon all the Christmas activities they offer. One of those being the carousel.

Tree trimming and house decorating took several days to complete. I originally wanted a real and artificial tree in the house. After many hours of assembly, lighting, and decorating the artificial tree and I was happily content with just one tree.

 Doesn't everyone decorate in their underwear?!?!

I'm laughing out loud remembering our trip to the outdoor ice skating rink in downtown Atlanta. Carrington and Grayson were very, very excited on the way there. They were very excited while putting on their ice skates.  

 They were very excited taking pictures.

 They were very excited stepping onto the ice.
 And then, the excitement came to an abrupt end for Carrington. Aaron was helping her around and before they made it half way, Aaron fell on top of Carrington and her entire world came crashing down (literally). I did not see the fall, nor was I close by, but I could hear the cries and screams as if I was the one lying on top of her. The girl was devastated, and hurt, and the worst of all...cold and wet. And so, not three minutes into the ice skating adventure and Carrington made the decision that she very much disliked ice skating and never wanted to try again.
 Grayson on the other hand had a great time. He didn't fall once and enjoyed the thrill of going fast on skates.
 The Sims and Zimmerman kids pre-Piper
Carrington and Summer
These girls get mistaken for twins when they are together. They are inseparable and never feel like they get enough time with each other even though they go to pre-k together, gymnastics together, and have dinner/play date at least once a week. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Thanksgiving 2013 and all the trimmings...

The Thanksgiving program at Celebration was all about the Pilgrims and Indians, of course. The Pre-K class played the part of the Indians and the Kindergarten class had the honor of being the Pilgrims. They sang a few songs, recited some lines and gave thanks to God. The program was followed by a mighty "first" feast in Mrs. Sue's classroom, and then home for Thanksgiving break!!!
Mighty Indian Babe, Carrington, walking into the auditorium with her class
Mrs. Sue's class took stage right.
Carrington is on the second row, fourth in from the right. I had to sit pretty far back because I was alone with my other two wild Indians. We needed a quick and easy escape if they started to beat on their mouths too loud, which they did!!

There's our Indian girl!
After the program was over, I was able to take a close up.


Thanksgiving morning brought the arrival of our dear elf, Sandy! He didn't show up empty handed and delivered Christmas PJ's made in the North Pole.

Daddy filled the boys in on why a strange looking stuffed guy was sitting in the middle of the kitchen table. Grayson was completely on board this year. Hudson just smiled and went along with the game.

Carrington understands how Thanksgiving works. She is happily watching the Macy's parade while mom slaves away in the kitchen. (Enjoy it now my sweet girl!) 

Lots of play time for the boys.
 (Yikes, Grayson looks like Don Imus. I think he got a haircut that weekend!)
Happy baker with her masterpiece. Pilgrim hats made from cookies and Reece cups!

Can't have a tasty meal without lots of mess!
Hudsie is ready for his first Thanksgiving meal. He was too young last year to eat from the table so he made sure he was "first in line" this year.

Makes my mouth water just looking at the picture!
Ok, I'm ready for turkey day again!!

It's so rare that I'm not behind the camera.
Since it doesn't happen often, and I like both pictures equally, and it's my get to see basically the same picture, twice!
 The morning spent in the kitchen was so worth the amazingly delicious outcome. I enjoy cooking , and like it even more when Aaron is home to keep the kids out from under my feet. So, it was an enjoyable day for me. Our Thanksgiving was spent doing the things we like (eating, playing, watching TV), with the ones we love most, and best of all we got to spend the long weekend at our house with our family of five!
Good bye Thanksgiving day...Hello Christmas time!
(Sandy the Elf's gift to C)