Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Thanksgiving 2013 and all the trimmings...

The Thanksgiving program at Celebration was all about the Pilgrims and Indians, of course. The Pre-K class played the part of the Indians and the Kindergarten class had the honor of being the Pilgrims. They sang a few songs, recited some lines and gave thanks to God. The program was followed by a mighty "first" feast in Mrs. Sue's classroom, and then home for Thanksgiving break!!!
Mighty Indian Babe, Carrington, walking into the auditorium with her class
Mrs. Sue's class took stage right.
Carrington is on the second row, fourth in from the right. I had to sit pretty far back because I was alone with my other two wild Indians. We needed a quick and easy escape if they started to beat on their mouths too loud, which they did!!

There's our Indian girl!
After the program was over, I was able to take a close up.


Thanksgiving morning brought the arrival of our dear elf, Sandy! He didn't show up empty handed and delivered Christmas PJ's made in the North Pole.

Daddy filled the boys in on why a strange looking stuffed guy was sitting in the middle of the kitchen table. Grayson was completely on board this year. Hudson just smiled and went along with the game.

Carrington understands how Thanksgiving works. She is happily watching the Macy's parade while mom slaves away in the kitchen. (Enjoy it now my sweet girl!) 

Lots of play time for the boys.
 (Yikes, Grayson looks like Don Imus. I think he got a haircut that weekend!)
Happy baker with her masterpiece. Pilgrim hats made from cookies and Reece cups!

Can't have a tasty meal without lots of mess!
Hudsie is ready for his first Thanksgiving meal. He was too young last year to eat from the table so he made sure he was "first in line" this year.

Makes my mouth water just looking at the picture!
Ok, I'm ready for turkey day again!!

It's so rare that I'm not behind the camera.
Since it doesn't happen often, and I like both pictures equally, and it's my get to see basically the same picture, twice!
 The morning spent in the kitchen was so worth the amazingly delicious outcome. I enjoy cooking , and like it even more when Aaron is home to keep the kids out from under my feet. So, it was an enjoyable day for me. Our Thanksgiving was spent doing the things we like (eating, playing, watching TV), with the ones we love most, and best of all we got to spend the long weekend at our house with our family of five!
Good bye Thanksgiving day...Hello Christmas time!
(Sandy the Elf's gift to C)

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