Thursday, November 12, 2009

"Sounds Like Life To Me"

What a night... and for Carrington, what a week! Yesterday I got a frantic call from Ms. Peggy to come home because Carrington fell into the coffee table. You can only imagine the ride home; I was thinking the worst! She ended up with a black and blue goose egg on her eye brow. Well, tonight she was in the bath, having a good ol' time standing up, giving me kisses, and the next thing I know...she goes down and smacks her chin on the side of the tub. Immediately she starts screaming. I picked her up, soaking wet, from the bath and think, ok, there isn't any blood, yet...and then it starts pouring out of her mouth. She refuses to let me look in her mouth so all I can think is she's going to spit a piece of her tongue out at any moment. I'm still not sure where the exact bleeding came from but she is ok! Oh, but it doesn't end there. Right about the time she is finishing her bottle, she looks at me and vomits all over my shirt. I put her bottle on the floor to clean up the mess and end up knocking over my bottle of beer, on her fairly new carpet. Yes, I needed a beer after the bath tub drama!!! How does that song go..."It sounds like life to me".


  1. Oh no - poor Carrington... I hope she's feeling better! We had a pretty bad night here too, Andrew burned his hand on my flat iron, which caused a huge blister and 2 hours of hysterical screaming. Poor little babies~

    Give her get-well hugs & kisses from the Blackmons!

  2. Such more happened since I talked to you last...a couple hours ago. My oh my...I hope you got yourself another beer! ;-) Hugs and get well kisses. xoxo

  3. Hate to break it to ya - doesn't get better...2 weeks ago I was racing to pick up Caleb because I got message he'd fallen and hit his tooth. Of course, he was fine in the end, but I had visions of no front tooth at age 3! Then all weekend he kept stumping his toe, bumping his head, just craziness!!

    Hope your bean is feeling better. My bean has been fighting off illness for 2 weeks now but I think she's almost 100% today!! Woohoo!!
