Thursday, September 30, 2010

ABC's, 123's, and other fun!

Carrington is starting to learn her alphabet and numbers in an at-home preschool setting. It's been a lot of fun to have structured teaching, and to watch Carrington learn. She really enjoys the tracing, coloring, and learning bible stories too.

Since she was learning about the letter 'A' we made apple pumpkin muffins. She is a little Betty Crocker in the making.

To kick off the fall festivals we stopped by a Family Fun Day Festival in Wilmington. Carrington loves, loves, loves the jumpy slides and fun houses. It's hard to pull her away once she gets on one.

She got a flower balloon and thought she was hot stuff carrying it around.

Her first hand painting. She held still just long enough for the girl to put a ladybug on her hand.
Her prize for holding still.
Freak Friday at Kelly's school!
Awesome hair-do!
Kelly should get best Freaky Friday dress at school!!

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