Monday, October 18, 2010

I know it's Autumn When...

A day at the farm, seeing the animals, taking a hayride, and picking a pumpkin from the patch was a weekend outing for our family. On Saturday we visited Indigo Farms to enjoy some of the best of what fall has to offer. We made the trip with our good friends, The Shaw's. Carrington talked for days about going on a hayride so she was very excited when we got there. Little did she know, there was lots of other fun to be had.

One of the prettiest pumpkins in the patch
Pumpkin Twins (Maaike and Carrington) -
I can't tell you how many people
asked me if they were sisters.
Dads and their girls
Daddy's favorite pumpkin
Mommy's favorite pumpkin
Melissa and her little bitty pumpkin, Lexi
Wide open spaces
Ben led the way to the animals
Carrington enjoyed looking at the animals
but wanted nothing to do with petting them.

Giddy Up
You can call her, Miss John Deer
Daddy found a friend
Honestly, I was shocked when she told us she wanted to ride the cow/bull. Like I said earlier, she didn't mind looking at the animals but would not get close...up until to this point.
Look at her riding like a pro

Even after riding, when daddy asked her to pet the cow/bull, she would not budge. She's not a fan of getting her hands dirty so maybe that was the issue.
Just in time for Thanksgiving Dinner
Here Turkey, Turkey
Our favorite event of the day was the pig racing. It really was just to funny and cute to describe. Don't ever pass up the chance to go to a NASPIG Race.

Waiting for their big moment
and they're off...
making their way around turn 1
Silly Pumpkins
What's a day on the farm without some farm games.
Hold on tight, Ben.
Carrington's not going to miss her turn

I guess you can call this "Corn Hole"
Friends for life.
A cardboard box providing hours of fun

Sims Family enjoying the farm life
Now to the part we were all waiting for, literally, after standing in line for over an hour.
HAYRIDE TO THE PUMPKIN PATCH (with our new friend)
The Great Pumpkin Patch!
Carrington picked out her pumpkin and sat on it some no one else could take it
Love that gorgeous pumpkin!
"I think I'll sit and rest a little longer"
"OK, I'm ready to go. Daddy, please carry my pumpkin."
Daddy (aka - pumpkin fetcher)
Big Sissy, Little Sissy

If she wasn't sitting on her pumpkin, she was hugging her pumpkin.
I can't help but laugh when looking at this picture. It was taken at the end of the day, a good four hours after arriving at the farm. The parents are smiling because we could finally sit and the kids, well, are just being kids!

I know it's Autumn's Oyster season!!! Sunday, we visited the Ocean Isle Oyster Festival with family for more fall favorites. First we made a stop at Ocean Isle Beach so Carrington could put her feet in the sand and ocean - a favorite.
They were given specific instruction not to get wet. She would have been neck deep in the water, swimming and splashing, had he let go of her.
Beach Girl
Riding to the festival in style.
Carrington's swagger wagon.
What festival would be complete without blow up slides and jumpies.
Carrington and Kelly getting their "jump on".
We all fall down

The High Flying Acrobats...

On to the real reason we were there...

Carrington entertaining Granny while we ate Oysters
The M&M Granny and the M&M Monster
Eating oysters is hard work.
The end of another great fall weekend!!!