We saved the sugar and spice for the pumpkin pie because
baby #2 is our new little GUY!!!

Happy Mommy

Baby Blue!!!

The proof. Sorry little guy for showing your stuff.

Big sister is all smiles about her little brother. We asked her several times this morning what she wanted. For the first time she only answered "brother" each time she was asked. Usually she says brother than sister. Guess she knew what was coming.

The growing baby bump...
Around week 6
Week 12
Week 20

This is such a special day for us! We found out the sex of our baby and saw that he is healthy and growing right on track. Today the ultrasound had his due date at February 23rd. The ultrasound tech said the date can change by a few days but it's fun to have the date right around my birthday and cousin Kelly's birthday. We look forward to the next 20 weeks while he continues to grow and we prepare for the arrival of our newest addition . Bring on the
Awwww...congragulations! It's the original Max & Ruby!! You will have so much fun with a little boy. Caleb has stolen my heart! And you look great! I'm very happy for you Michelle.