Yes, our baby can roll!! When we put him back down for bed last night he immediately went from his back to his belly and has done so with each nap today. It makes me a little nervous because he puts his face in the mattress when we cries himself to sleep. Interestingly, we still have not seen him roll on the floor when playing.
Second, he is ticklish and laughs when you get his sugar (neck area) and his baby ribs. I love the sound of him laughing and seeing a big ol' smile on his face!
Sleeping update...I could kiss all over the pediatricians face! I needed his advice on not going in to get Grayson when he cries at night. The first night, Grayson cried all night but I didn't get him out of the crib until 5:30am (I couldn't make it to 6am after hearing him cry all night). It's been up and down, some nights he cries early on and doesn't cry again until 5:30-6:00am and other nights he'll cry in the middle of the night and fall back asleep until 5:30-6:00am. One morning he didn't wake up until almost 7am!! I think we've only made it one or two nights without any crying but he is on the right track. I think once he gets use to sleeping on his belly he will do even better.
With that, I guess our baby is trying to sleep, working hard on the "can" sleep!