Monday, May 23, 2011

Our baby can...

The last two days have brought two new milestones for Grayson. First, we woke him from his early evening nap yesterday and found him like this...

Yes, our baby can roll!! When we put him back down for bed last night he immediately went from his back to his belly and has done so with each nap today. It makes me a little nervous because he puts his face in the mattress when we cries himself to sleep. Interestingly, we still have not seen him roll on the floor when playing.

Second, he is ticklish and laughs when you get his sugar (neck area) and his baby ribs. I love the sound of him laughing and seeing a big ol' smile on his face!

Sleeping update...I could kiss all over the pediatricians face! I needed his advice on not going in to get Grayson when he cries at night. The first night, Grayson cried all night but I didn't get him out of the crib until 5:30am (I couldn't make it to 6am after hearing him cry all night). It's been up and down, some nights he cries early on and doesn't cry again until 5:30-6:00am and other nights he'll cry in the middle of the night and fall back asleep until 5:30-6:00am. One morning he didn't wake up until almost 7am!! I think we've only made it one or two nights without any crying but he is on the right track. I think once he gets use to sleeping on his belly he will do even better.

With that, I guess our baby is trying to sleep, working hard on the "can" sleep!

Monday, May 16, 2011

3 months old

Mom said I should just start with the elephant in the room... I.DON'T.SLEEP.AT.NIGHT. When I say don't sleep at night, I mean I cried more last night than I slept. The doctor prescribed mom a plan when I was two months old and it started to work. For a few nights I made it through the night. Then I got sick and the swaddle blanket stopped holding my arms in and now I don't know what to do with myself at night. It's really, very miserable for all. We went back to the doctor today and we have another sleep prescription (really, it's the same one as before but mom didn't follow this part). This time I eat at 8pm, take a bath, and then go to bed at 9pm. No earlier, no later. Same routine every night. And best of all, my mom and dad are not allowed to come in my room in the middle of the night. If I decide to cry from 9pm-6am, then I'm all alone with my swan song. Doctor says this should cure me in a few days and I'll be back to sawing logs. Mom said she'll post an update at the end of the week. Regardless, pray for all!!!

I've really grown into my facial characteristics and expressions in the last month. My newborn face is no longer. I'm just one, handsome, infant, hunk, now. I enjoy the sound of my voice and have been dubbed Chatty Chuck. My big sister is my new fascination. I could watch her run circles around me all day,every day. She makes me laugh a lot too. When I get fussy, mom has her come in the room so I can get a good laugh and forget about my woes. I have almost mastered rolling over but need to figure out how to get my arm out of the way. Mom got this great seat out for me a few days ago. Since I can hold my head up and it doesn't wobble as much anymore, I get to sit in the seat for a few minutes and look out at the great big world. I'm lovin the view!

My 3 month stats are impressive. I weighed in at 14lbs,6oz and am 24 1/2 in. long. This jumped me into the 75th percentile in both weight and height. Even more reason I don't need the two or three feedings I'm demanding at night.

Mom added some Mother's Day pictures to this blog. She doubts she will get a blog up about Mother's Day, which was wonderful for a wonderful mommy. She got treated very well that day and as always, enjoyed spending the day with her family.

See y'all next month,
Grayson Walker Sims

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Two and a Half! Need I say more.

Where to start! Okay - Hello, Baby Hollywood! She is everything you hear about being a toddler morphed into everything you hear about being a Hollywood superstar. She's got personality galore and spunk like it's her job. She can look at you one moment with big eyes and lots of love and the next minute be on the floor kicking, screaming, and crying - giving her best on screen performance. She is smart as a whip and too often is outsmarting her parents. Miss Smarty Pants loves to talk, sing, read books - just about anything that keeps her mouth running. Those verbal skills pay off though because she is often complimented on how well she speaks for a two year old. She has sweet, tender moments that remind us being a toddler isn't so bad. She holds onto our face and pulls us in for a kiss. She rubs our back when we hold her. She steals kisses from her little brother and she tells us she loves us several times a day. She continues to make me understand unconditional love. There's never a dull moment - it's always full of laughter, love and hair pulling fun!!!

A look back at the last 1/2 year...

Don't hate her because she is gorgeous!
Pretty day at the park

First kisses for her new baby brother

Valentine's Day 2011

One of many snow days in NEPA

Swim lessons with daddy

Christmas 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Easter Weekend

Easter weekend was a blast for our family! It was Grayson's first road trip and one that took us to MeMe and Peepaw's for a long weekend visit. We were beyond ready to get out of Pennsylvania as we had not traveled as a family since Christmas. The weather in Roanoke was gorgeous with temperatures in the 80's all weekend. Sunny skies and warm weather-GLORIOUS!

MeMe and Peep were thrilled to have their three grandchildren to love on and spoil. MeMe had a smile on her face all weekend! I loved spending time with my sister and niece. It makes holidays even more fun with the little ones!

I captured lots of moments from the weekend but boy is it hard to get three youngins to look at the camera. It made for some funny and memorable shots though.

MeMe didn't waste any time bringing out the gifts. Carrington couldn't get enough of opening eggs and seeing what was inside. After she opened the original eggs she had MeMe put more money and goodies in the eggs so she could open them again.
The sunglasses stayed on all weekend!

Lots of cousin lovin'

Small, medium, large

MeMe would give her grandchildren three baths a day if you let her

Look at that pitiful face

Center in the Square had an Easter egg hunt and meet-the-bunny event on Saturday morning. We missed the hunt...but not the BUNNY!

Love this one!!

Carrington was up early on Easter so MeME gave her a bath (shocker) and got her dressed before going downstairs to see what the bunny left. The Easter bunny was very generous to all three kids. Once again, Carrington thoroughly enjoyed opening each egg to see what was inside. Madison and Grayson were not left out on their first Easter. Mr. Bunny knew exactly what to bring each child.




Each one enjoyed going through their baskets. The youngest getting a little help to see what they received.

The thrill of opening eggs!

Getting in some Mickey while the rest of us got ready for church. Notice the sunglasses!

Family photo time before church. Everyone looked beautiful in their Sunday best. Peep was already at church singing in the choir so unfortunately we didn't get any with him.

After Church it was off to Granny and Grandaddy's so Grayson could meet his great grandparents and extended family, eat some of Granny's cookin' and have an Easter egg hunt. My uncle is famous for putting a large bill in an egg, pretending to hide it and then sending the kids off to look for it. To date, the egg has not been found. Go figure!

If I can't open it, I'll eat it...

The next two pictures are my favorite from the entire weekend. I adore my grandparents and to see them with our children just warms my heart. Not to mention, the faces being made by the little ones are priceless!

A few more with Peep, MeMe, and their grandbabies. I love my family!!!