Mom said I should just start with the elephant in the room... I.DON'T.SLEEP.AT.NIGHT. When I say don't sleep at night, I mean I cried more last night than I slept. The doctor prescribed mom a plan when I was two months old and it started to work. For a few nights I made it through the night. Then I got sick and the swaddle blanket stopped holding my arms in and now I don't know what to do with myself at night. It's really, very miserable for all. We went back to the doctor today and we have another sleep prescription (really, it's the same one as before but mom didn't follow this part). This time I eat at 8pm, take a bath, and then go to bed at 9pm. No earlier, no later. Same routine every night. And best of all, my mom and dad are not allowed to come in my room in the middle of the night. If I decide to cry from 9pm-6am, then I'm all alone with my swan song. Doctor says this should cure me in a few days and I'll be back to sawing logs. Mom said she'll post an update at the end of the week. Regardless, pray for all!!!
I've really grown into my facial characteristics and expressions in the last month. My newborn face is no longer. I'm just one, handsome, infant, hunk, now. I enjoy the sound of my voice and have been dubbed Chatty Chuck. My big sister is my new fascination. I could watch her run circles around me all day,every day. She makes me laugh a lot too. When I get fussy, mom has her come in the room so I can get a good laugh and forget about my woes. I have almost mastered rolling over but need to figure out how to get my arm out of the way. Mom got this great seat out for me a few days ago. Since I can hold my head up and it doesn't wobble as much anymore, I get to sit in the seat for a few minutes and look out at the great big world. I'm lovin the view!
My 3 month stats are impressive. I weighed in at 14lbs,6oz and am 24 1/2 in. long. This jumped me into the 75th percentile in both weight and height. Even more reason I don't need the two or three feedings I'm demanding at night.
Mom added some Mother's Day pictures to this blog. She doubts she will get a blog up about Mother's Day, which was wonderful for a wonderful mommy. She got treated very well that day and as always, enjoyed spending the day with her family.
See y'all next month,
Grayson Walker Sims