Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Easter Party at the Community Center

At the beginning of April Aaron's parents came up for a visit. Their visit coincided with the Easter party at the Waverly Community Center. It was fun to have them join us for a morning with the Easter bunny and an Easter egg hunt.

Grandparents with their Grandbabies

Grayson taking in all the lights, noise and commotion.

Waiting for the Easter bunny

Watching him hop down the bunny trail

She had no fear of big, funny looking bunny

Although...this picture would make you think otherwise. A little scary all around!

Daddy and his little easter bunny

Carrington giving her classic "cheese" grin

Time for some egg hunting...


Carrington's "cheese" grin

Take two!

Face painting...she wouldn't have anything to do with it once the brush touched her face.

Opening the eggs to see what she got.

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