Wednesday, June 22, 2011

4 months old

Grayson turned 4 months old while we were on vacation. We were gone for 2 1/2 weeks and he did a super job traveling, having fun with family and friends and SLEEPING! Sleep is great and at 4 months old he has mastered the art of marathon, night time, sleeping. Thank you, thank you!

He has also taken off in growth and is now in the 95th percentile in height at 26 1/2 inches and the 75th percentile in weight at 15lb12oz. That's up 2 inches in one month!!

He is more interactive with each day making his awake time a lot of fun.

I'm sure he is sorry that he didn't get to chime in on this months update but that's what happens when you learn to sleep. Sleep takes first priority!

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