Can you believe I've been here for 1/2 a year? It's crazy, especially, when you think of all I've done in six short months! I've traveled up and down the east coast more times than most people do in a lifetime. Been to beaches in NC and SC. Hiked in the mountains of PA. Had my first taste of chocolate at Hershey Park, PA. The list goes on and on. My short life has been packed full of first experiences, new sites and sounds, and loads of fun!
If you think traveling is all I've been up to than let me tell you more about me. I'm eating food now! Boy, oh, boy does it taste good. The noises, faces and mess I make bring lots of laughs to the dinner table. I'm sure that good time will wear off once I get older! I'll be getting in trouble for spitting my food instead of getting smiles from them.
The world sitting on my bottom is a lot more interesting. Sitting up really helps me see around, helps me look at all the people that walk by - allowing me to brighten their day by giving them one of my big toothless grins.

Sitting up also gives me the opportunity to ride in my stroller without being strapped into the car seat. Oh, the relief! I can not stand the car seat. I'll take any other mode of transportation but please, not.the.carseat!

And then there is my sissy! I like to write about her alot. The reason, she is my sidekick (or I'm hers). We laugh at each other, see who can scream at mom the loudest, and have competitions to see who can make the biggest mess with our toys and food. She's good at taking toys out of my hand and tattle telling when I get a hold of her hair, pulling with everything I've got. Each day gets more fun with my big sis - love you!!

I had my six month check up today. I'm no slouch, weighing in at 17.12 and 27 inches long. If I keep those stats up I'll be ready to play college football at Virginia Tech (Daddy's edit: only if he can't get into Clemson!) when I'm eighteen! Doc says, I'm healthy as they come and he'll see me at nine months.
Don't hate because I'm a handsome, jet setting, hunk of baby love (mom hijacked my blog and wrote that)! Life's goooood for this six month old. Signing off on my six month update!
Peas, love and lots more happiness to come,