Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Summer at the Beach

The kids and I spent a lot of time at the beach this summer! It didn't start off as the plan but after a little taste of the beach in early June, I knew I needed more. With lots of beach time came lots of windshield time. From June 1 - August 14, we were in PA for only 2 1/2 weeks. We drove back twice to see Aaron, repack, and load up again. The kids did pretty good with the travel although at the end Grayson ran a fever for over a week, which caused him to be fussy and not sleep well. He was told by the doctor that he had vacationitis! I could have stayed forever but being at the beach kept us away from Aaron and by mid August, we were all craving some family time!
Beach bummz!

Over the 4th of July week the Sims and de Windt kids were in Myrtle Beach. We met up at the de Windt vacation villa for swimming and beach action.Looks like they are trying to hold hands!Cousins on mommy's sideHappy 15th Birthday to Katybug!The kids and I spent a week in Ridgeland with the grandparents. Carrington was out at the pool, in the river, or at the beach everyday. Grayson worked on his love of swimming with his Granny. Kelly joined us a for another week of vacation (in total she was with us for over a month this summer!!).Cousins on daddy's sideCan you find Carrington? She got to take a tube ride with the big kids!And they are off...(the little head popping up is Carrington)Spending time with my little girl. Grayson stayed home with the grandparents so it was a nice relaxing boat trip for mommy and good one-on-one time with Miss Carrington.The Captain and his first mate!Lovin on her uncle PaulPlenty of time was spent swinging to keep Grayson from fussingThe last leg of our summer beach fun was spent back in Myrtle Beach. We rented a beach house for the week. My parents and grandparents were there too. It was great to be in walking distance of the beach and spend one last week so close to our favorite place!

Taking a late afternoon nap on the couch. Kelly on one end and Carrington on the other end. Carrington loves her Kelly and stayed attached to her all summer!Peep and Granddaddy enjoying the good life!I dream often about the day we are living back at the beach permanently. Until then, I have lots of good memories from the Summer of 2011!

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