And she's off...

What a fun and exciting day for Carrington! Today, she started 2 year old preschool at Keystone College Preschool. We've been preparing for this day for a couple weeks so little miss independent was more than ready to go at 7am this morning! School doesn't start until 9:15 am so the wait was almost more than she could handle.

She posed for a couple pictures at the house before running to the car, yelling "let's go to preschool".

Our pretty little preschooler!

It's nearly impossible to get both of them to look at the camera at the same time so getting a smile too is out of the question.

How do you make a teacher happy? Bring them an apple, of course!

She could barely carry both bags hence the strained look on her face.

The book bag did not leave her hands while we were driving to school. You would think it was full of candy!

Daddy surprised Carrington and showed up to walk her in. She was so excited when she saw him pull up that she went running across the street toward him. Thankfully, there was a crossing guard and no cars coming.

Carrington walked right in like she owned the place. Or more like she had found Disney World. It looks like preschool will rank up there with McDonald's, babies, and the beach - all of Carrington's favorites. She had no problem finding her name on the cubby and then finding her name tag...

I was very impressed she was able to pick out her name!

They have to wash their hands immediately. Hopefully, this will help her stay healthy during cold and flu season.
Aaron and I tried to say goodbye twice but once she was in the room of toddler awe, there was no looking back. She would not acknowledge us so that was our cue to leave.
So what did she do during preschool...