Sunday, September 18, 2011

Summer days driftin away...

As the summer comes to an end there are a few pictures and weekend events that deserve notice on the blog. They were our end of summer days/weekends where the weather was still warm and the days long.
spending time togethernothing like some chocolate for a good midmorning snack
workout buddies

We headed to Chautaqua, NY for Labor Day. The de Windts have a family summer home there so we met up with them for the long weekend. It was a laid back, catching up with good friends, letting the kids run wild kind of weekend. The lake was our scenery so it was only right that we spent some time on the boat.

They even had a beach!If the girls weren't in their bathing suits, they were in their undies playing in the sand box or the "kids" room at the house. They have no problem keeping each other entertained and spent every waking moment together. Just for the record, the adults had just as much fun but that really goes without saying!

The following weekend we were back in PA and signed up for a 5k. Susan G Komen was the cause and means a lot to Aaron because his mom is a breast cancer survivor. The race gave an option to run or walk. Aaron thought we were in good enough shape to RUN! We did training - just woke up that morning and ran 3.2 miles for the first time in, well, ever! At least it felt that way when I was ifinished. Needless to say, the rest of the weekend was spent on the couch. All complaining aside, we had a really good time! Carrington and Grayson rode in the double stroller while Aaron did all the grunt work. Carrington was just as proud with herself for finishing the race as we were with our effort.
Aaron's coworker, Kwesi - Azek had over 30 participants
A mouthful of oranges. She needed to rehydrate too!
Notice who is wearing the medal!
Before the warm weather ran out we hit up several parks around town for picnic lunches and lots of outdoor play. College football has started so the family is usually in Clemson or VT t-shirts on Saturday! Thankfully, Carrington loves watching football because it's the only thing that airs in our house on Saturday. She yells at the tv just as loudly as her dad and mom. Defense and key play are becoming a regular part of her weekend vocabulary. Grayson's next word should be HOKIES!

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