Monday, October 24, 2011

Roba Family Farms - Dalton, PA

Roba Family Farms was our last family outing in PA. Carrington's preschool class took a trip there and invited family to come along. It was probably my favorite place and activity we did in PA. The farm is very large, has lots of neat activities, and plenty of fall spirit!

Carrington enjoyed feeding the animals. Normally, this isn't one of her favorite things but she was more willing to stick the ice cream cone out there and let the animals nibble.I love the "cheese" smile Grayson is putting out there. It is so his sister!Nothing runs like a Deere!Boy, oh boy did Grayson love sitting on the tractor. He had a smile on his face the entire time.Daddy test driving his future lawn mower...he wishes!!Country girl!Caught in the web
Having a snack with a couple of preschool friends
The pig races...Almost three feet tall for the almost three year old!

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