A year ago this month you were born on a snowy day in Pennsylvania. A little baby boy was placed in my arms, and at that moment I was blessed with a brand new kind of love. The love of a mom, and her son.
You gave us a new look at the color wheel; blue was added to the overflowing pink. Trucks, cars, and playing ball have been added to the baby dolls, dress up clothes, and princesses.
You are our cuddly baby; content to be held and snuggled. Your thumb sucking has become a constant. It's terribly cute and makes you that much more adorable.
Sissy is your best buddy. You are on her heals every minute of the day, trying to learn all you can, including being loud to ensure you are heard. Your heart is as big as Carrington's. You are never short on kisses, hugs, or willingness to share your food and toys.
You are not afraid to voice your demands. It can be hard to keep up with your every want and need but I'm thankful to be needed by you.
I am thankful that I was able to spend everyday of your first year with you. To watch you change from a newborn, to a growing baby, into a toddler.
Happy 1st Year, my sweet little boy!