Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Feb-tastic Birthdays!

It's time to kick off the February celebrations with back to back weeks of birthdays. Starting with Meredith (7th), then Grayson (13th), then Emmy (16th), then Michelle (22nd), and ending with Kelly (23rd). February is birthday-palooza for our family!

We spent the first weekend of February in NOVA. The babies, Grayson and Emmy, are less than a week away from their first birthday! It only made sense to have an early birthday party so the two could be together to help each other celebrate.

Grayson is eyeing the cupcakes!Big sister's making lots of noise.
ONE!!Happy Birthday to Grayson!Starting slow with a little lick of icingFollowed by the attack...Emmy diving right in too.Present time. Sisters love to help!Opening a cute book that spells out his full name along with a story about each letter.Emmy's turn
Saturday morning was play date in the de Windt playroom.
Fairy PrincessesBaby Super Hero and Baby FairyJust the beginning. He'll spend many more years chasing after girls. Saturday afternoon the girls got all dressed up in cupcake outfits for a friends birthday party.The hardest pictures to take but definitely the cutest! All four best buds together!We were also in NOVA for a shower for Baby Myers. My college girlfriend, Sarah, is due in April with a little boy. It was nice to visit with college friends, and sprinkle Sarah! Tira, Wendy, Sarah, Amanda, Michelle, Alicia
On the way home we stopped in Fredricksburg to have birthday lunch with Meredith. Today is my sister's birthday! Happy Birthday, I love you!
(I forgot to take a picture at lunch so I went to the catalog for help)

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