Monday, May 28, 2012

Carrington's Spring Gymnastics Show

Carrington took gymnastics class this winter/spring on Saturday morning with Hayden, our neighbor and one of Carrington's best buds. We switched to the Tuesday class for the last month so unfortunately they weren't in the spring show together.

Carrington did a great job showing off her skills and many acrobatic talents during the program. Grayson loves watching his sissy through the glass window each week so it was an extra special treat for him to watch her up close during the show.

We are taking a break for the summer but I have a good feeling she'll be back on the mat come fall. She really loves going to class each week and does a great job!

Showing off her medal
 Taking her turn on the podium
 Look at the arm strength
 serious concentration needed for the balance beam
 flipping over the bar on her own
the toughest skill for Carrington...waiting in line for her turn
 drum roll...miss Carrington!

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