Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hudson - 3 months old

The scoop on Hudson at 3 months old...continues to be easy going although he likes to be on the move. It's hard to sit down with him without him fussing to tell you to stand  up and walk around. Wonder if that's because I didn't sit much while pregnant?!? The smiles go on and on when he is awake. He gives them out very generously to his family. He also likes to jibber jabber to anyone who will sit and listen. His sleeping has been all over the place the last couple of weeks. Congestion and the time change has him waking a lot during the night. We are toughing it out and know it will get better soon. He is a great napper; a long 2+ hour nap in the morning and the afternoon and then a few cat naps the rest of the day. He had his first trip to the ER when he rolled off our bed onto the hardwood floor. It was scary to come back inside and find him face down on the floor so I called the pediatrician to get her advice. Because of his age and the hard surface he fell on she told me to get him to the hospital for review. Ugh, six hours later which included a CAT scan and we were back home at midnight with a good report. Other first during the last month include; Halloween, celebrating sissy's birthday, sleeping through the night (although it was short lived), and first head cold.
I'm 3 months old and like to watch tv!
Reading time with sissy
Do you think I look like my daddy?
First Halloween!
Bump on the head and eye

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