Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Grayson's 2nd Birthday Party

Grayson was lucky enough to have two birthday parties for his 2nd Birthday. The first one was planned and took place at Chuck E Cheeses in Roanoke. We went to my parents for the weekend to celebrate February birthday-palooza (Meredith, Grayson, Michelle, and Kelly all have Feb. birthdays) and had his birthday party while there. My kids love seeing Madison so it was fun to have them all together at Chuck E Cheeses to play games, eat pizza and cake, and open presents.
 Grayson's party guests
 trying hard to win tickets
 big and little kids playing
 helping hand
 taking a spin on the fun o' wheel
 she shoots...
 she scores!
 say cheese! Madison gives the best looks.
 clapping after we sang Happy Birthday to him
 birthday picture with mom and dad (and Hudson sleeping in the carrier)
 present time!
 If you asked what he wanted for his birthday he would say, "helmet birthday", every time. Madison made his wish come true and gave him a Spiderman Helmet.
 Several days later he was still wearing the helmet. He even tried to sleep in it.
The other birthday party was a last minute decision planned a day before his actual birthday. Myrtle Beach has a hotel with an indoor waterpark. We decided to make the mid-week trip for one night to play in the pool and have a pizza party with Melissa, Katy, Kelly and Jay.
Grayson has turned into a little fish. He was determined to swim on his own and would jump in without us knowing. We had to pull him off the bottom a couple times. He would cry for a minute because it scared him and then went right back to jumping off the side.
 Water baby
 The birthday party gang
Hudson (6 months old) floated all over the pool. There is a picture of Carrington at 3 months old with Aaron at the same pool, in the same float.  
Blowing out imaginary candles in his Dirt Cake

Grayson turns 2

 You are my sugar and spice little boy! One minute you are giving out love with such passion and the next you are all boy, reeking havoc on anyone or thing in your path. It keeps us focused on you because we are waiting to see what's coming our way. Not knowing if we are going to get a cuddly boy in our lap or a WWE wrestler wanting to put the hurt on us. It seems to be a good tactic since the middle child gets labeled as "lost in the mix". Sitting around quietly just isn't your thing!
You love to keep an eye on your family. It's so sweet that you always want to be near us. Typically, you are on the heals of your sissy. If she is not around, you make sure you know where your mom is at all times. I don't have to worry about losing you at the store because there is no way you will ever lose sight of me! All kidding aside, you are very thoughtful! If you are given anything, be it a treat, sticker, toy, etc, you make sure sissy gets one too. Hudson is lucky to have you as his big brother. He will never starve as you are very willing to give him your sippy cup or a bite of your snack. And, he has the option to not learn to walk because you are happy to drag him around the room.
The last couple of months have brought some new adventures to your world. You tackled potty training at 23 months old. The three day boot camp method worked well, and helped us get through that chore quickly. You really did a great job and continue to impress us. Wearing big boy underwear is still a cool thing to you. Especially, when you get to wear the Cars themed pair. Which is your favorite movie and can hold your attention for hours. Friday nights are pizza and movie night. If we are watching Cars we have to spoon every bite in your mouth because your attention is fully directed toward the TV. I could put a chocolate cake in front of you and it would be completely ignored because your eyes don't leave the screen.
Another major happening in your world...getting a roommate and switching your crib to a toddler bed. Hudson joined you in the "boys room" a couple months ago. Y'all are great roommates; getting along well when playing in your room, and rarely waking each other at night with your snoring, crying or talking. It's just the start of sharing many things; like clothes, sports equipment, a car. I can only hope y'all will always be so willing to share. Your mom can have high hopes, right! 
It goes without saying that we love you immensely. Your strong desire to be nurtured helps us slow day and focus on loving you and your brother and sister. Your wild streak keeps the house playful and full of energy (and exhausted at the end of the day). Your boyish ways, like always wanting to go pee pee in the front yard gives us a good laugh and makes for some wonderful candid photos (from behind, of course). Your silliness of dressing up in your sisters clothes or wearing her shoes drives your daddy crazy but makes me giggle every time. Your determination to do it your way can be down right maddening but it makes me know you are my child. The flip side of that is your thoughtfulness and caring soul much like your daddy. You are our son and we love you now and forever!
Happy 2nd Birthday, Grayson Walker Sims
 Licking his fingers because they went immediately to the cake when placed in front of him.
sporting new underwear
don't we all wish we could work in our undies
hanging out in his toddler bed (he is asleep)
loves his sisters sparkly shoes

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hudson - 6 months old

I have a lot to catch up on since I skipped Hudson's five month old blog. Hopefully, I can remember all that has happened in the last two months.
I guess the biggest milestone that he accomplished is...CRAWLING! This is pure craziness as he doesn't really sit unassisted, and he started the business of crawling at 5 1/2 months old! It's the inch worm crawl but is very effective in moving him from one side of the room to the other. He prefers being on his stomach whether playing or sleeping. Hence, the reason we think he despises the car seat. I guess all that time on his belly gave him the strength needed to take off. I don't think it hurts that he watches his brother and sister play and wants to be in the middle of the action so he had to figure out a way to join them.
In late December Hudson moved out of our room and become roommates with Grayson. We borrowed a crib from our neighbor, had it up an hour after getting it and moved them in together that night. The boys do well at night together but nap time was not a success so he still sleeps in the pack n play in our room. Bedtime is right around 7pm and he sleeps until 6am. Still a little early for my liking but really can't complain since he sleeps eleven hours straight.
I feel like he is slowing moving out of the new baby phase of crying a lot. He is generally pretty happy but requires a lot of holding or someone in the room with him. The second he catches wind that we've all left him, he starts fussing. He is use to loud noise coming from sissy and brother so silence is probably confusing and scary.
He was treated to a couple days of one on one time with mom and dad when we traveled to Atlanta last week. It was his best car ride with little crying (woohoo), he slept really well in the hotel and actually managed to get some long naps in without being woken to someone screaming or a loud bang from a toying dropping. We got nonstop smiles from him so I really think he enjoyed the extra attention and love. We enjoyed the break and ease of only having one baby too.
More sounds and giggles come our way each week. The pressure is on to have him say mama as his first word. Dada has been the first word of choice with Carrington and Grayson.
Unfortunately, he got sick for the first time in early February with an ear infection and RSV. Both cleared up pretty quickly so he wasn't down for the count for too long. He weighed almost 17 pounds during the doctors visit. He'll have a six month check up in the next week so I'll know more on his height, weight and percentiles then.
It's a fun time with Hudson. I love that he is growing into a little baby boy, developing new skills and experiencing more with each day. Next up is solid foods so lots more fun headed our way.
 You can find him in the crawling or plank position a lot when he is on the floor.
 Pure Joy...

The next three photos were taken in Atlanta. Honestly, one smiley baby those two days!

A snapshot of the boys room.

Video of Hudson giggling
Video of him crawling at 5 1/2 months old.