Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hudson - 6 months old

I have a lot to catch up on since I skipped Hudson's five month old blog. Hopefully, I can remember all that has happened in the last two months.
I guess the biggest milestone that he accomplished is...CRAWLING! This is pure craziness as he doesn't really sit unassisted, and he started the business of crawling at 5 1/2 months old! It's the inch worm crawl but is very effective in moving him from one side of the room to the other. He prefers being on his stomach whether playing or sleeping. Hence, the reason we think he despises the car seat. I guess all that time on his belly gave him the strength needed to take off. I don't think it hurts that he watches his brother and sister play and wants to be in the middle of the action so he had to figure out a way to join them.
In late December Hudson moved out of our room and become roommates with Grayson. We borrowed a crib from our neighbor, had it up an hour after getting it and moved them in together that night. The boys do well at night together but nap time was not a success so he still sleeps in the pack n play in our room. Bedtime is right around 7pm and he sleeps until 6am. Still a little early for my liking but really can't complain since he sleeps eleven hours straight.
I feel like he is slowing moving out of the new baby phase of crying a lot. He is generally pretty happy but requires a lot of holding or someone in the room with him. The second he catches wind that we've all left him, he starts fussing. He is use to loud noise coming from sissy and brother so silence is probably confusing and scary.
He was treated to a couple days of one on one time with mom and dad when we traveled to Atlanta last week. It was his best car ride with little crying (woohoo), he slept really well in the hotel and actually managed to get some long naps in without being woken to someone screaming or a loud bang from a toying dropping. We got nonstop smiles from him so I really think he enjoyed the extra attention and love. We enjoyed the break and ease of only having one baby too.
More sounds and giggles come our way each week. The pressure is on to have him say mama as his first word. Dada has been the first word of choice with Carrington and Grayson.
Unfortunately, he got sick for the first time in early February with an ear infection and RSV. Both cleared up pretty quickly so he wasn't down for the count for too long. He weighed almost 17 pounds during the doctors visit. He'll have a six month check up in the next week so I'll know more on his height, weight and percentiles then.
It's a fun time with Hudson. I love that he is growing into a little baby boy, developing new skills and experiencing more with each day. Next up is solid foods so lots more fun headed our way.
 You can find him in the crawling or plank position a lot when he is on the floor.
 Pure Joy...

The next three photos were taken in Atlanta. Honestly, one smiley baby those two days!

A snapshot of the boys room.

Video of Hudson giggling
Video of him crawling at 5 1/2 months old.

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