Today the older two had their first dentist appointment. I know Carrington is 4 1/2 years old and should have gone a long time ago but I've been a little busy having two more boys, moving a couple times, and juggling life, so no judging!Anyway, the trip was AWESOME!
Aaron put in Carrington's head that she was going to have her teeth drilled while at the dentist. Guess what that does to a little kid? Yep, she was totally resistant and begging me not to take her. Thanks, dad! After having a therapy session with her and assuring her there would be no drills or teeth removal; only nice people cleaning her teeth, a fun show/movie to watch during the cleaning, and likely a prize at the end she warmed up to the idea - a little.
This particular dentist office was kid heaven. It had a tree fort and computers in the lobby to play on. The dental hygienists were extremely sweet and gentle with the kids. The kids movies were age appropriate. Giving them a new tooth brush when they sat down in the chair was a huge distraction (my kids love a tooth brush). And, the balloon, toy, and sticker as a reward was the cherry on top of the cake.
The hygienist asked me if Carrington was allergic to anything. I said, no. Carrington quickly piped up and said, yes, the drill! I bust out laughing. The use of a drill was still on the front of her mind and she was going to make sure it was not used in her mouth.
Grayson continues to come out of his shell and not be shy or scared in new situations. He listened so well to the hygienist, loved the water gun and sucking tube they put in his mouth. He kept asking her to "do it again". Haha!
This was the best trip I've ever had to the dentist. Maybe it was because I wasn't the one sitting in the chair (not a fan of the dentist), maybe it was because we were in and out in thirty minutes, maybe it was because the kids were well behaved and enjoyed getting their teeth cleaned. Whatever the reason, I don't dread the thought of taking three kids back to the dentist in six months. Hudson should be in the chair next time, likely he will not have to wait until he is four to get his teeth checked!