Monday, June 17, 2013

Hudson - 10 months old

Hudson turned 10 months old on June 11. I missed an update at 9 months old so I definitely want to slide one in this month. In between nine and ten months his top two front teeth came in. He looks like a snaggle tooth right now because one tooth is coming in faster than the other.
 He continues to cruise all over the furniture but hasn't attempted any first steps. He walks around great if he can hold onto our fingers for balance. Climbing the stairs has become a game. He'll crawl at full speed to make it to the stairs before he's caught. Once he's there he'll crawl up a couple steps and look back with the biggest grin on his face to make sure we see him being a stinker.
Our baby looooves to eat! He shows his sister and brother up during meal time. 
He does not complain about his food, just stays busy shoveling in anything and everything we put in front of him.
The volume continues to grow on his squeals and noises. That's definitely something he learned from C and G. The louder, the better! I really should have a pair of ear plugs by now. We hear 'Dada' every now and then but no other noticeable words.
He continues to be comfortable around other people and will let anyone hold him. He is very smiley and stays content for the most part.
He has spent a good amount of time at the pool in the month of June. He doesn't enjoy the float but is happy being held in the water.

 Taken at his 9 month check up.
 He weighed 18.13 (20th %), height 29" (75th %)

taken on 6.11.13

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