Thursday, July 11, 2013

Kelly's visit and 4th of July

Our cousin Kelly came to visit us in GA for over a week and then headed to SC with us to spend 4th of July on the water. I love this girl so much! She has been spending time at our house since she was a baby, and when we lived in PA she stayed with us for two weeks. She is a sweetheart that plays so well with the kids, has perfect manners, and is always helpful! You wish all your guest were just like Kelly.
We spent lots of time at the pool, a full day at the water park, trip to the zoo, and did other little fun things here and there during her visit.
 Beautiful young lady
 Carrington talked her into Cotton Candy ice cream.
 Hills were killer for the beach girl (she's not alone).
At one point she looked up and said, "not another hill!"
 Carrington's first big waterslide. No looking back after her first trip down. It was non-stop waterslide fun from that point on, even though she doesn't meet the 42" requirement.
 Baby smiley!
 trying to dodge the water bucket...
 she didn't mind getting soaked!
 Kelly on the super slide.
It's the one slide the lifeguards wouldn't let C go down.
 Girls tubing together
 Grayson had most of his fun on the carnival rides.

 Can you find Carrington?


 High fives for the slide buddies!
 Had a perfect day with these four!
 They spent a lot of afternoon time watching a movie on the couch.
 Game and craft time
 Grayson loved rough housing with Kelly

 Kelly's make-up artist skills!
We spent 4th of July on the boat near HHI. The sandbar was a busy place with lots of kids and parents looking to have fun. After a day on the water we went back to my in-laws house for dinner and a view of the fireworks from their backyard. It was Grayson's first time seeing the bright lights. We were far enough away that the noise didn't bother him so he was mesmerized.
 Baylor taking Kelly out for a ride on his new boat.

 A glimpse of the party crew

 Pure Bliss!
 There was a pool in a friends backyard that overlooked the river. Life was really hard for Carrington that day. She spent the entire day in water!
He sure makes a cute lifeguard!

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