Carrington, I know for a fact your mom and dad have never experienced love more fulfilling. You bring sunshine to our life everyday! Your personality has taken off and we definitely see your strong spirit (that you get so honestly) growing. You think "no" is a word to laugh at or break down in tears so you can get your way. For now, we give in! You love to smile at anyone you see; your smile melts hearts! Your favorite word is Bear (our dog) although it doesn't sound exactly like that. It brings you so much joy to call Bear over while you are eating so he can lick your hand and when you get tired of eating he eats all the food you throw on the floor for him. Little do you know you have won Bear's heart! You have little time for food and even less for a bottle. Mrs. Peggy should know as she has patiently given you a bottle for 30 minutes while you stop after each sip to look around and talk about what you see. Your favorite food remains to be sweet potatoes! With your constant busyness comes constant moving. You would win the Olympics in baby crawling. It amazes me how fast you can get "into trouble". You are practicing walking with your Mail Cart and Hungry Hippo push toys. Carrington, feel free to wait a couple months before you take off on foot! My most favorite new development are your hugs. You put your head on our shoulder and arms down by your side so you can get as close as possible. I can't ever get enough of your love! All and all you are a very easy baby. For that we thank you and God!
Love, Mama and Dada
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