Monday, December 20, 2010

O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!

We went for the "real thing" this year. It's the first year we have purchased a live tree for decorating and admiring. In the past, we've used a hand-be-down tree from Peepaw's parents. The artificial tree is nice but since we are all about new adventures, it just seemed right to try a fresh tree.
There is a side-of-the-road tree stand right down from the house so that's where we went. The tree came from a local farm so it's authentic PA Frasier fir (watch out now). Of course, the sub freezing temperatures made it a quick trip...hop out of the car, find the best looking tree, hop back in the car, and let the men do the rest of the work.
We let the tree sit over night and then went to work on it the following night. Decorating was a team effort as Carrington was able to help a lot more this year. Last year, she was more interested in pulling the ornaments off the tree than putting them on the tree.
I love the tree and may be hooked on a fresh tree for the next few years. It's just lovely!

Aaron and Carrington sizing it up

It's way too cold out there for her southern blood

Lumber Jack Sims
Tree Decorating Elf in her Christmas PJS and ready to get down to business.

Ok, so maybe she wasn't up for putting the lights on the tree. She gets it honest as I was on the couch watching Aaron string the lights. That's just not my favorite part.
Hard at work while the women kept their feet up
Lights up!

Time to get to work!

Stunning, at least I think so!

Also decorating the house are the Snow Villages
Santa will be coming down this chimney in a few days. I know one little girl who can't stop talking about the new kitchen she wants from Santa.
And, a look at the outside

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