Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

Carrington and Grayson are two very lucky kiddos to have such an awesome daddy! They love spending any day with their dad but wanted to celebrate him just a little more on the day dedicated just for dads. We started off the day by making him breakfast and opening gifts; the annual hand prints from his children and a new weed wacker. The second gift being more of a need than a want but he still acted like he loved it!

A last minute decision was made to take the ferry from Southport to the Fort Fisher Aquarium for the day. It was a great one because we all had a blast! Carrington and Grayson loved the boat ride, and the aquarium was a fun experience too. We saw a white alligator, snakes, fish of all type, and lots of other marine life.

The afternoon was spent relaxing and finished off with steak dinner and peanut butter chocolate ice cream pie for dessert. A great fourth Father's Day for our kids great daddy!

 One lucky daddy and two lucky kiddos!
 Love our family!
 Sibling love!
 Driving the boat to the aquarium
 Don't worry, he doesn't bite!
 White Alligator
 Up close look

 Makes me laugh out loud!
 She's my girl. Look but no desire to touch.
Much better to be on the outside looking in.

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