Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hudson - 4 months old

The last month has been a lot of fun with Hudson. His little personality is all over the place. One minute you get a smile and coo and the next he is fussing about not being held. He enjoys rolling around on the floor and bed, and prefers to be on his belly most of the time. He recently started reaching for toys when you hold them in front of him. Once they are in his hand they go straight to his mouth for further exploration. He gets lots of entertainment from watching Carrington and Grayson play around him. At times he looks at them like they are loony. Sleeping is going great - sticking to a nap schedule during the day and sleeping 11 hours at night! Riding in the car is getting better although he still has days where he cries the entire ride. I continue to enjoy the time when I get him all to myself; we chat about how cute he is, sneak in early morning naps, and play without having to share toys. Oh, and he really enjoys sucking on his pointer and middle fingers -a lot and often!

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