Wednesday, December 19, 2012

O Christmas Tree

Our Christmas Season started the Friday after Thanksgiving when we headed to the Christmas Tree "Farm" (a field on the side of the road with trees already cut). Carrington and Grayson ran in circles around the trees until they found the perfect one. Really, they ran in circles because they were outside and could run and scream without us catching them and making them stop. We like this little tree "farm" because the owner is super nice, local, and is trying to sell trees to provide for his young son and wife. They also have nice trees that last for a month and don't come with bugs.
 Standing/Sitting in front of their tree
 Old Timey Fire Truck
 Frosty and Santa
Then it was home to decorate the tree...

 Elf 1
 Elf 2

 Elf 3
A glimpse of the mess we created. It took four days to decorate the tree from top to bottom. Hence the many different outfits the kids are in.
Pride and Joy...the kids of course!

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