Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hudson turns ONE!

It has been ready, set, go with you from the beginning. I guess when you join into a busy family you have no other choice but to keep up. From the start you have been very vocal about when you need your mom and dad. You are not interested in waiting in line behind the other two and being that you're the baby it works in your favor. More recently, you can be heard fussing from across the house when Grayson is being too rough or sissy is using you as her real, live baby doll and you've had enough. It makes me come running to find out what's going on...already getting your siblings in trouble ;)! You don't need many words (you only have three-mama, dada, love you) just fusses and vocal cues to have all four of us wrapped around your finger, doing whatever it is you need.
You started crawling very early and have stayed on the move ever since. You don't like the car seat, stroller, swing, shopping buggy or anything that keeps you in one spot. It's not enough that those things move, you have to be moving on those little hands and knees to keep you smiling. You are taking more independent steps but haven't made the switch to a full time walker. I'm sure in your mind, "my feet can't go the speed of my hands and knees so why make the switch".
You are the smallest of the three at this age (20.4lbs-14%, 29.75in-48%) but have the best appetite. You are pretty much willing to eat anything we put in front of you...except, MILK!! At this point, you refuse cows milk and will spit it out when offered. This is a shocker as the rest of us looove milk!
Family, friends and strangers comment about what a happy baby you are. You are good at putting on the charm with your smiles and cuddles. Generally you are happy, enjoy life as a baby, and love playing with your sister and brother. Also, you are starting to get attention with those little ringlets sprouting as your hair continues to grow. You are our only baby with hair on your first birthday!
There are so many times daddy and I want to compare you to sissy and brother. Whether it be your personality, looks, or milestones. The thing is, you are a one of a kind blessing that we love so very much. Happy 1st Birthday, Hudsey!

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