Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hudson's Birthday Party

The neighborhood pool was the spot to celebrate our baby turning one. My family come for the weekend and several neighborhood friends joined in on the fun. Hudsey was happy to splash around in the water, eat some of his favorite food and "smash" his first birthday cake.
 MeMe and her baby grandson
 Friends and family
 Food table -
Sandwiches, pizza, fruit tray, chips, goldfish...
 Not sure who loves food more - Peeps or Hudson?
 Cutie pie, Tucker!
 The "big" girls table
 Aunt Meredith, Madison, and Uncle Brett
(Mere was not happy that I was taking her picture)
 One happy birthday boy eating his ice cream cone cupcake
 Madison or a picture of my sister when she was two?
She looks just like little Meredith.
 Look at that cuteness covered in icing!
 The little fishes
 Enjoying a new toy that he can only hope will not
be taken by his big brother and sister!

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