Carrington turned 18 months old on Monday. The trip to the doctors office for her check up turned out to be more eventful than the usual height/weight measurements, and shots. Carrington has entered the stage of being very bothered by the doctors office. She would not say hi to the doctor or nurse - just bye, bye over and over again. She didn't want to stand on the scale, lay on the table, and certainly didn't want the nurse or doctor to touch her. Cooperation was not a word in her vocabulary that morning. To add to the drama, I had to take her earrings out so the doctor could look at the holes - another of Carrington's least favorite things to do. Unfortunately, one of the holes is torn a little and infected. But wait, it doesn't stop there...the tube in her ear has fallen out and she has an ear infection,AGAIN! Aside from all that mess, she is still her happy-go-lucky self. By the way, she weighs 24.1 lbs and is 31 3/4 in. long.
I'm sure I say this every time but I love this age! My sweet child is an absolute joy to be around. She has the biggest personality, sweetest heart, and most precious laugh. She gets into everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING. She loves the word "no" and uses it to answer every question you ask her. She mimics our words, laughs out loud when we laugh out loud, and knows she is just too cute! She is constantly active whether it be with her movement or words. She keeps me on my toes, keeps me smiling, and keeps my heart joyful!