Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Spring has not only sprung but is in full speed at our house. I feel like we are busier than ever but still able to enjoy every minute! We have been living outside since the beginning of April - hence the reason I don't blog much anymore. I'm certain that given the choice, Carrington would be just fine sleeping outside on one of her many toys. My goal has been to create an outside toyland so that the majority of our day is spent in the fresh air. Its a struggle to talk Carrington into coming inside in the evening so I think we are getting pretty close to an outside-toy-wonderland! The first few pictures are of Carrington playing on her plastic slide, ball pint and tunnel. Carrington also has a wooden swing set in the yard. For some reason the pictures I took of her playing on it are not on my camera. I'll have to take more pictures and post about the story of purchasing, dissembling, and reassembling the swing set. It really deserves its own post anyway!

She uses her daddy as an indoor jungle gym!
Hip, hip, hooray...Beach season is back! We've gone to the beach a couple times as a family this year. The weather has been perfect and even more perfect...our 18 month old that loves the beach, sand, water and sun! She is a water baby at heart - running, splashing, up to her neck, falling face first and getting up laughing, this child LOVES the water!!!! Can you tell this brings a big smile to my face; seeing as how I spent my life in the water while growing up; all I wanted was for her to love the water too.

Glam girl! This picture was taken at a yard sale one morning. I was looking around and the next thing I know, Carrington has all these beads around her neck. Good thing I carry my camera in my purse. The beads stayed around her neck for the rest of the day and she still wears them almost everyday.

Two of my best girlfriends came to Wilmington with their kids at the end of April. It just so happened that the same week was Triple Coupons at Harris Teeter. The three of us love to coupon so we packed the kids up one more and went shopping for some great deals. I don't think Andrew was nearly as exited about shopping as Carrington and Giselle. I'm sure we would rather be anywhere but a grocery store (he is learning early)!
After our shopping trip we headed to the beach for some sun, sand, and sweet memories. The temperature that day was a little chilly and the wind was blowing pretty hard. The moms froze but it didn't even phase the kids.

This is nothing compared to how far she went out. I thought I was going to lose my camera trying to keep her from going out above her head. was really cold that day but you would have thought it was 100 degrees. The water and air temperature didn't hold her back.

I left Carrington and Aaron in Wilmington and headed for Columbia, SC to see Taylor Swift in concert on April 30. I had a blast with my Aunt and cousins. Kelly is giving her best "Hollywood" pose in this picture!

Bee-u-ti-ful girls!

We had great seats and were about 20 rows back when Taylor sang in the middle of the crowd.
Miss Taylor Swift
Up close and personal

Carrington went to Hayden's (our neighbor) 3rd birthday party on May 1. The theme was an outdoor spring carnival.

May 3 marked Carrington turning 18 months. I'll have to leave that for another post but now you are up-to-date on what we did in April.

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