Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Strawberry Shortcake

We took a trip to the strawberry patch on Mother's Day. Carrington got a new nickname that day...Strawberry Shortcake! I can't even begin to tell you how much she loved picking strawberries. Shoes off, toes in the dirt, carrying the bucket from the very beginning until she couldn't pick it up because of all the strawberries, pulling with all her might to get the berries off the bush, putting her prize in the bucket, and greeting everyone that walked by...the girl loved every minute of being in the patch! This has been my favorite spring activity those far - even more fun than watching her at the beach. That's hard to beat but great memories were made that day.

After picking the berries, we let her enjoy the fruits of her labor (sorry, couldn't resist). The girl couldn't get enough!! Locals rave about the homemade ice cream offered at the patch. Aaron and I couldn't pass up the opportunity and both got a couple scoops in a waffle cone - it did not disappoint! We offered Carrington several licks but she wanted nothing to do with the ice cream, staying busy stuffing her face with berries and getting her outfit covered in juice. You know it's really good then!

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