Monday, August 9, 2010

Donuts, and Jumpys, and Slides! Oh, my!

At the end of July, Carrington and I headed out one morning for donuts at Dunkin Donuts and a little fun at Monkey Joe's (or Monkey Jumpy's as Carrington calls it). I don't think Carrington had ever had donuts before this trip. I started her out on blueberry donut holes, blueberry being one of her favorites. Much like her mother, she didn't think much of them and only ate two. I had to force her to eat the second one.

Then is was off to Monkey Joe's, an indoor fun park with inflatable slides and jumpys. This was her first time at Monkey Joe's but she did not waste any time climbing aboard the inflatables. I figured she would have a blast, and would want to climb and slide for as long as I would allow her. Little did I know, it was going to be a workout for me because I had to help her climb up in order to go down the slides.

I don't think this picture does any justice to the size. It was huge and even more daunting trying to get a one year old to the top.
I attribute her liking this kind of stuff to gymnastics. She would spend the entire class jumping on the floor trampoline, in the block pit, or going down the slide if she could. Next time we'll bring Aaron with us so he can do the manual labor.

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