Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Beach/Staycation

"Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action." We had the perfect setting this year to celebrate Thanksgiving...the beach! Family joined us at the beach house for a day of eating lots of delicious food, playing on the beach, watching football, and taking turkey induced naps. With all that, what's not to be grateful for! It was also Grayson's first Thanksgiving!!!

Laid back kind of weekend.
Happy Grandkids with their Peep!
Grayson sampling the spreadHe ate everything on his plate, and had seconds!Mmmmm!!
Little Turkeys!
Poor Milo being forced into the ice cold waterHappiest when her toes are in the sandStrike a poseWalking off turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie and all the other sides.
Still wading in the water on Thanksgiving weekend!It's hard work having so much fun! Passed out at nap time.
Beautiful Carolina sunset over the ocean...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

9 Months Old

Boot, scoot, and boggy! That's our Grayson! He's on the move and not looking back. It all happened so quickly; one day he's doing a little inch worm scoot and the next day he's crawling across the room, pushing himself up to sit and then standing up while holding onto furniture, us, or a toy. Literally, it all happened in a span of a few days.
Freedom, oh freedom, how it can change a baby's temperament. For the first eight, almost nine months, sitting and playing independently only lasted ten minutes, tops. Then it was time to pull out the fuss card until someone came to the rescue. With crawling comes exploration of the four corners of the world, or room. It's cool, it's new, and it keeps a baby entertained for hours. Aaron diagnosed Grayson's first eight months as a "mild form of colic". The cure, get off your tush and enjoy life!
He's got more than one, NEW, talent though. If you thought Carrington was vocal, and, her brother. Squealing, repeating dada over and over, just trying to be heard over all the noise. He's even got "bye, bye" covered with the wave! He likes the attention and gets this adorable smile on his face when you notice him.
Food also gets a loud reaction out of him. If you find something he really likes; like ice cream, french fries, or mac & cheese than you better know how to shovel, and quickly!Otherwise, you are going to here the piggy squeal, loudly, between bites. I love a boy that can eat!
Some things have stayed the same over the last nine months. He's still my sweet, sweet little boy. He loves to be loved! He'll put his thumb in his mouth and head on my shoulder to cuddle. He's just as content sitting on my lap or being a "hip" baby as he is moving around. And, he loooooves his sister! She still garners the best laughs from him.
9 month stats...
18.15.5, or 19 pounds! Bumped him down to 20th percentile but happens when they are on the move.
29 1/2 inches or 75th percentile

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Birthday Party fit for a Princess!

I love a third birthday! Carrington made it loads of fun this year which totally helped me feel good about things since I didn't sound the horns, channel my inner Martha Stewart (who am I kidding), and spend sleepless nights wondering how I could make every detail perfect. Making this birthday extra special was all Carrington's doing!
She was into turning three from the minute I started mentioning her birthday. She'd tell anyone that asked how old she was, that she was about to be three. And, move her fingers from two to three. I realized real quick that I could feed her broccoli with a candle on top and wrap up a brick with birthday paper and ribbon just as long as we called it, Her Third birthday! Who could do that to their sweet, innocent daughter though.
So, Princess themed birthday party, sign her up. Not a bad idea for the mom either. Do you know how much Princess stuff they have at Wal-mart!! Princess umbrellas, slippers, coloring books, dolls, hooper balls, games, books, underwear, plates, napkins - you name, they got it. I would know because we have it all now! Suggest having the party at an indoor jumpy house, the dare devils eyes just about bugged out of her head. Bet you can't guess how many times I got asked if "today" was her birthday party. Last, tell her that her family, and friends from Wilmington would be there. Who would have thought moving her to PA, locking her inside for a year, and not providing her the opportunity to see family and friends on a regular bases would cause so much excitement at the mention of human contact being present for her birthday. (Alright, alright, I write the blog so I get to insert my feelings sometimes.) You get the picture, this birthday was a script made for the story books!
Here are the highligths...

Princess Carrington
She got to pick out her cake. I think it turned out wonderful!
The decorations! Yep, don't blink cause you'll miss them.
Little Brian in action.
Love that Katy has no idea her sister is giving her rabbit ears. Such a classic picture!
All aboard the fire engine.
Grayson getting his first ride down a blow up slide.And, they are off! I had a hard time getting any pictures of the kids in action. They all moved so quickly that the pictures turned out fuzzy.
Cooling off and rehydrate. Family photo - it'll work but certainly not a favorite. Yes, Aaron and Grayson had matching shirts. I later regretted the decision and will not make them do that again. Hence the reason I didn't have Aaron hold Grayson!
Birthday cake time.Make a wish, Princess!
I find this guy a little frightening and so did some of the kids.
sweet little Madison
The Birthday girl and her handsome little brother would like to thank everyone for coming to Carrington's 3rd Birthday Party!
I'm going to sneak the actual birthday in this blog too. November 3 was spent waking up to breakfast pancakes with sprinkles, playing at the house, and then heading to Wilmington for a surprise at Toys R Us and dinner with our family of four. You tell a little girl that there is a surprise waiting for her at Toys R Us and she's going to tell you that she isn't taking a nap. There is no time for a nap with that kind of suspense waiting!! Funny, she fell asleep in the car before Grayson did!
The surprise!!!She wanted a, you guessed it, Princess bike but I had to draw the line somewhere. The Minnie bike was much cuter and more her size.
Grayson is putting in his first birthday order for a hot red car!
Birthday dinner on the water. Who needs Chuck E Cheeses or McDonalds when they can sit by the water and watch the boats go by. Maybe I never mentioned those two places as an option but this water child was content!
She hadn't seen Aaron in a couple of days so it was a love-fest for these two!
Ice cream with toppings (really it's yogurt). Yes, please!
Notice Grayson staring down the sweet treat in both photos. You should hear him squeal when you can't shovel it in quick enough between bites.
Enter the Barbie phase. MeMe has it covered and provided Carrington with Barbies that my sister and I use to play with, and some new ones to add to the collection.
Madison is playing birthday present patrol woman! Don't come near her!
Love these kids!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday, Carrington Lynn!

The most precious little girl, who has blonde curly hair, with long beautiful eyelashes and green eyes, a smile that makes the best days even better, with a heart full of pure happiness, joy and kindness -turns THREE today!!
You are amazing! Love consumes you. The love you have for us, your parents, the love you have for your family and friends, and the love you shower your little brother with everyday; that's a love that only siblings share. The love you pour on him with your kisses, hugs, helpful manner, playful spirit, and big sisterly ways. Oh sweet girl, that brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. The giggles just the two of you share, sweetest sound I have ever heard!!!! Love - you were gifted with it, you embrace it, and most importantly you share it everyday with everyone you come in contact with.
You have grown up so much in the last year. You are helpful, vocal, playful, empathic, creative. All things you've grown into over the last year. I enjoy the constant conversations we have. Your wheels are turning, your imagination is blossoming, your questions are endless. You think your parents have all the answers to all of life's questions!
I love to hear your prayers at night. Your purity is something I wish I had just one ounce of! You give thanks for the smallest gifts in life, they mean that much to you. I smile writing this because with your purity comes a large dose of spunk. They balance each other. You wouldn't be, Carrington Lym (that's how you say Lynn) Sims, without that spunk. It's what makes you wild, wide open, loud, daring, assertive, free to do what you want,when you want. You don't mind pushing it a little bit; you've got to in order to see how far you can go. You'll go a little past the safe zone, turn and give us that "look at me" smile, and then straighten it all out like you are a perfect angel. I don't think your daddy looks forward to the teenage years!
Oh girl (that came out of your mouth this week), I adore you! From the wild, child hair to the little pigs on your toes. God gave us a gift three years ago, a gift that we are blessed to call our daughter, our sweet precious first born child!
Your daddy and I love you, arms wide open from one end to the other, that much, plus that much, plus that much more! Grayson Walker Sims, he thinks you hung the moon, that you are the bees knees (maybe only for a short while, but at least for now)!
Happy 3rd Birthday sweet child of ours!
Daddy, Mommy, and Grayson!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011- The Wizard of Oz

There's no place like home! It didn't dawn on me until I sat down to write the blog that our Halloween theme was very appropriate for our life right now. I have to say, I think my kids and husband rocked the Oz. At the last minute I tried to switch to the Scarecrow, but "Dorothy" would not hear of it. Unfortunately, "Glenda" couldn't find a pink, fluffy, dress so I wasn't as spectacular as the rest of the family.

The tornado blew threw and dropped us off in Winabow for a neighborhood Halloween bash. This was the first annual neighborhood bash and I think it went spectacular. A cookout was the first stop, followed by haunted house, and then trick or treating via trailer hayride. There were kids of all different ages - representing every fairy, super hero, and movie character you could think of.
The Sims do Oz...
Younger kids in the neighborhoodThe Lion was not in a happy place so getting a good picture of the two didn't go well.
Trailer hayride - The kids would hop on after each house.
Charlie (bumble bee) and Carrington (Dorothy). Charlie's family is renting our house. I think these two are going to become good friends.
Trick or Treat!
On Saturday there was a tripped planned to visit the pumpkin farm but the chilly, rainy weather didn't make that possible. Instead, we made soup at Bonnie's house and waited for the sun to come out before we headed to a church that was selling pumpkins. We stayed long enough to get a few pictures and let the girls pick out a small pumpkin.
Carrington and CharlieHayden and Carrington sharing the love.What Halloween wouldn't be complete without pumpkin pancakes. Grayson is expanding his meals so he got in on the yummy treat too.Pumpkin faced pancakes - better than the IHOP!Wild - all the way around!
The tornado came back to town on Halloween and took us to Myrtle Beach for pizza, wings, and trick or treating with our family. Just like Carrington's first Halloween, she went door to door with her cousin Kelly. Grayson was in better spirits this time and stayed bundled up with his daddy. It took us an hour and a half to make it around the neighborhood via walking and wagon riding. We now have enough candy to last us until next year!
There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home.Cutest lion in the forest.Precious!The lion found his courage and is now crawling!!!
Dorothy and Miss Gypsy
Teenage Zombie and Miss Gypsy
Trick or Treat!We're off to see the Wizard!