Tuesday, November 15, 2011

9 Months Old

Boot, scoot, and boggy! That's our Grayson! He's on the move and not looking back. It all happened so quickly; one day he's doing a little inch worm scoot and the next day he's crawling across the room, pushing himself up to sit and then standing up while holding onto furniture, us, or a toy. Literally, it all happened in a span of a few days.
Freedom, oh freedom, how it can change a baby's temperament. For the first eight, almost nine months, sitting and playing independently only lasted ten minutes, tops. Then it was time to pull out the fuss card until someone came to the rescue. With crawling comes exploration of the four corners of the world, or room. It's cool, it's new, and it keeps a baby entertained for hours. Aaron diagnosed Grayson's first eight months as a "mild form of colic". The cure, get off your tush and enjoy life!
He's got more than one, NEW, talent though. If you thought Carrington was vocal, and loud...meet, her brother. Squealing, repeating dada over and over, just trying to be heard over all the noise. He's even got "bye, bye" covered with the wave! He likes the attention and gets this adorable smile on his face when you notice him.
Food also gets a loud reaction out of him. If you find something he really likes; like ice cream, french fries, or mac & cheese than you better know how to shovel, and quickly!Otherwise, you are going to here the piggy squeal, loudly, between bites. I love a boy that can eat!
Some things have stayed the same over the last nine months. He's still my sweet, sweet little boy. He loves to be loved! He'll put his thumb in his mouth and head on my shoulder to cuddle. He's just as content sitting on my lap or being a "hip" baby as he is moving around. And, he loooooves his sister! She still garners the best laughs from him.
9 month stats...
18.15.5, or 19 pounds! Bumped him down to 20th percentile but happens when they are on the move.
29 1/2 inches or 75th percentile

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