Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday, Carrington Lynn!

The most precious little girl, who has blonde curly hair, with long beautiful eyelashes and green eyes, a smile that makes the best days even better, with a heart full of pure happiness, joy and kindness -turns THREE today!!
You are amazing! Love consumes you. The love you have for us, your parents, the love you have for your family and friends, and the love you shower your little brother with everyday; that's a love that only siblings share. The love you pour on him with your kisses, hugs, helpful manner, playful spirit, and big sisterly ways. Oh sweet girl, that brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. The giggles just the two of you share, sweetest sound I have ever heard!!!! Love - you were gifted with it, you embrace it, and most importantly you share it everyday with everyone you come in contact with.
You have grown up so much in the last year. You are helpful, vocal, playful, empathic, creative. All things you've grown into over the last year. I enjoy the constant conversations we have. Your wheels are turning, your imagination is blossoming, your questions are endless. You think your parents have all the answers to all of life's questions!
I love to hear your prayers at night. Your purity is something I wish I had just one ounce of! You give thanks for the smallest gifts in life, they mean that much to you. I smile writing this because with your purity comes a large dose of spunk. They balance each other. You wouldn't be, Carrington Lym (that's how you say Lynn) Sims, without that spunk. It's what makes you wild, wide open, loud, daring, assertive, free to do what you want,when you want. You don't mind pushing it a little bit; you've got to in order to see how far you can go. You'll go a little past the safe zone, turn and give us that "look at me" smile, and then straighten it all out like you are a perfect angel. I don't think your daddy looks forward to the teenage years!
Oh girl (that came out of your mouth this week), I adore you! From the wild, child hair to the little pigs on your toes. God gave us a gift three years ago, a gift that we are blessed to call our daughter, our sweet precious first born child!
Your daddy and I love you, arms wide open from one end to the other, that much, plus that much, plus that much more! Grayson Walker Sims, he thinks you hung the moon, that you are the bees knees (maybe only for a short while, but at least for now)!
Happy 3rd Birthday sweet child of ours!
Daddy, Mommy, and Grayson!

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