Monday, January 14, 2013

Christmas on the GO - Ridgeland, SC

Dashing down the road
In a Mazda full of screaming kids
O the headaches mom and dad had
But what fun it is with all the Christmas cheer
(I attempted to be cute!)

First stop on the 2012 Christmas Tour was Ridgeland, SC. We spent a long weekend with the grandparents, celebrated Christmas a little early with Granny's extended family, and packed the kids full of sugar and the car full of presents. 

Ice Cream with Jelly Beans on top. Always good treats at Granny's house. 
 Patiently waiting to open presents.

 The box is as big as the boy and he loved unwrapping it
 Thanks Aunt Rhonda for the roller coaster o' fun
The kids immediately tried it out

Ridgeland had a Christmas lights display that you could walk around so we bundled up one night, took a quick walk around and finished off the evening with Dairy Queen Blizzards.
 She looks angelic
 Chomp, chomp
 My gifts under the tree
Ridgeland's finest!
Love Y'all! See you soon!!!

(I didn't get any pictures but we made a quick stop in Myrtle Beach, SC on the way home to have Christmas with Jay, Melissa, Katy, Kelly and Granny Roach.)

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