Thursday, October 10, 2013

Labor Day Weekend Fun!

Labor Day Weekend was spent at home. We had Aaron with us for 3 1/2 days which was enjoyed by all. It was a family friendly, Party of Five, fun filled weekend. We took our last trip to the pool together as a family. Grayson got to go down the slide for the first time (the lifeguards got lax at the end of the summer and didn't mind our two year old going down alone).
He got turned around and went head first into the pool. It scared him when he first came up out of the water but he was quickly asking to go again.
 This shot shows how tall the slide is. He is one brave little guy!
Carrington was an ol' pro by the end of the summer.
 Love my boys!!
Labor Day Weekend always includes lots, and lots of college football watching. We didn't leave the house on Saturday and spent much of it in front of the TV cheering on Tech and Clemson.

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