Monday, June 7, 2010

Island Vacation

I truly want to stay on vacation for the rest of my life! Aaron and I went to Hilton Head Island to celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary. We stopped by his parents for a night before we left to spend the weekend at the Marriott on HHI. We also dropped Carrington off with her grandparents so that we could have time together - go out to dinner, sit by the pool and ocean and not chase after our one year old, and sleep in as late as we wanted (which was never much past 7am)!

We were in the pool within an hour of pulling up to the Sims house. Carrington saw her cousin, Baylor, jump off the diving board one time and immediately she was at his heels ready to jump off behind him. She hasn't mastered jumping far enough out to not hit her head on the board so we had to give her a little push each time. You will see Aaron in the pictures below, as the day progressed she would jump in without anyone in the water to "catch" her. It amazes that to be so young, she is willing to "dive" right in.

Mama and the waterbug
Welcome to the Marriott!
The flowers are gorgeous. However, Aaron and I have decided flowers on the road aren't the best idea. We were dying on the way home yesterday because the flowers bloomed and the pollen got all over us as I was holding them for FOUR HOURS! Our eyes, nose, mouth and throat were burning.
Dinner date at Aqua on our Anniversary. I wore the blue dress on our rehearsal night and got to wear it on our 1st anniversary. I was pregnant our 2nd anniversary and our 3rd anniversary we had an infant so no night out. I hope to wear this dress on our 30th anniversary!
Happy couple at dinner
Dinner date #2!!!
The restaurant was located on the beach.

After two nites away from my little girl, I was ready to have her with us so she could join in on the fun. Aaron drove back to his parents on Saturday morning while I was lazy and stayed in bed reading.
Back in the pool!
The hotel had a blowup slide that went down into a pool. I saw it the day before Carrington got to the hotel and knew she would love it.
Waiting in line, very hard at her age.

Up she went, with a little help from mama
It was hard to get her past the sprinkler. She wanted to sit there and let the water hit her.
Down she goes...
Dada's turn with Carrington
She would get to the bottom, clap her hands and say "yeah". She also asked to go back several times so we spent a good half hour at the slide.
Dada's girl

Ordering room service. If she wasn't climbing in and out of the chair, she was picking up the phone to talk.
She also enjoyed the mirror and would walk up to it and say, "baby". In this picture, I was asking her to kiss the baby.

On Saturday evening, we headed to Sea Pines for dinner. The weather looked like the sky would drop out at any minute but the lighting made for some great pictures.
Headed straight for the water!
One lucky mama!

It was fun watching Aaron climb this tree.

She was tired of sitting still
Very daring but it made for some sweet pictures. I begged her to stay still, and Aaron was hiding behind the tree in case she decided not to listen to my instructions.

Boats, Boats, Boats
A boat more her size
She has taken to coloring which makes for a good entertainment resource when we are out to dinner.

Sims FamilyHello Mustard
Hello Ketchup. Did you know this could be used to make calls?

And helloooo spaghetti!
Chocolate ice cream monster face!
On Sunday we took a family bike ride around HHI. Carrington was so relaxed in her bike buggy that she took a morning cat nap. Future cyclist...that sure would make dada happy!

Our island vacation makes me ready for our next vacation to Disney. Although, I know that will be at a completely different speed than sun, and the sand, and a drink in my hand. Bring it on!

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