Monday, June 21, 2010

Kings Dominion Amusement Park

Welcome to Kings Dominion...let the fun begin!
One little girl didn't get the memo
Came alive and ready to ride!

Look mama, no hands!
She enjoyed making her presence known by ringing the bell
Kelly preferred a bumpier ride

Boat Swing. This one doesn't go upside down.

Carousel Ride
Meme looks like she is holding on for dear life
The cup is much larger in real life and was full of blue icy sugar to keep them going
This was Carrington's melting point
Kelly paying to show off her musclesDid she make it to the top?
We've got a winner!!
Mama and Carrington having a great time!
Whatcha lookin at?
Meme was green after riding the Intimidator. Katy was all smiles. I wish I had gotten the entire roller coaster in the photo. It's the tallest and fastest roller coaster on the East Coast. It went 305 feet straight in the air and came straight down on the other side. Serious puke machine!
Hooked at the shoulders. They did not leave each others side that day.
Sweet ride. She asked for the Clemson orange car!
Going again...

Off road in the Humvee

Patiently waiting for the little girls
One last ride!

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