Carrington is so blessed to have a loving and large extended family. The masses started arriving several days before the birthday party to help Carrington make it a week of birthday celebrations! First to arrive was Brett, Meredith and Baby Madison. By Friday evening the entire gang (20 family members and 4 dogs later) was in town and ready to party with our traditional oyster roast and low country boil by the fire pit.
Carrington's newest cousin, Madison Lynn

Mixing up cupcake cones for the birthday party
What do you do after you mix up the batter...shove the entire beater in your mouth, of course. Yes, she is eating raw eggs. I've done this my entire childhood and adult life and never gotten sick. So, I'm using those odds with her.

Colors of the art palette

Tie dye cupcake cones

Madison is happy to over see the cooking.

Moving on to the paint and getting some practice in before her birthday party. I'm not sure Brett was the best teacher. By the time they were done, he had her covered in paint and in need of a bath.

Pretty sure Carrington is introducing Madison to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

Oh, we made a quick stop to the mall after gymnastics. Carrington lost her marbles the week before when she saw the carousel and couldn't ride because I didn't have cash on me. I knew there was no chance we would get out of the mall that day without a ride. Of course, MeMe was more than happy to oblige Carrington.

"Here is my pumpkin...

and here is what Daddy is going to carve on my pumpkin."

Katy and Kelly digging in

Bonnie and Hayden had on their matching Christmas aprons. Wrong holiday, right idea!

A fall treat - Apple juice, in a hallowed out apple, with a twizzler as the straw.

I really wish I had used my video camera for this portion. Brett and Meredith gave Carrington a Minnie Mouse cell phone earlier in the day and told her that Minnie Mouse would be calling later that night. Sure enough, at 7pm, Minnie Mouse called Carrington on the real phone and told her she was coming to visit. Next thing you know, in walks a life size Minnie Mouse with presents. Carrington and Hayden went crazy over the phone call and all the Minnie Mouse gifts.

Checking out the goods.

"Hey, Minnie. Want to be my buddy?"

I think that means, yes!
Thanks Brett and Meredith. That was a great idea!

Good family...

Good conversation....

Good food...

Good times by the fire pit. The reasons this time of year is my favorite.

"No way, these are all for me!"
We opened family gifts on Friday night so everyone could see Carrington open their gift.

As happy opening clothes as toys, for now.

Baby gorgeous thinks she is hot stuff in her princess crown.

You can't have a crown without the jewels.

Bitty baby she got from mommy and daddy

Of course, baby needs a place to sleep. Thanks, Aunt Lissa!

Checking her vitals with the doctor kit.


Thank you to our family for sharing in all the fun of Carrington's 2nd birthday!!
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